Block Shares

Block Shares
16071441 16071540 16071701 16071777 16071889 16072235 16072270 16072311 16072327 16072419 16072440 16072623 16072628 16072710 16072722 16072748 16072753 16072763 16072846 16072852
Expected 111776021 112595590 112699680 112643308 113081078 115473015 115754655 115980212 115640427 115185598 115354162 113003649 112948228 113388319 113609781 113387562 113387508 113553494 113884920 113940446
Actual 386094240 188191872 324439392 155719584 216039648 659168160 65769984 87255360 39899904 205896960 40429632 432870432 14977920 158740320 20993568 62308800 10844640 16591008 162370848 10525248
Average 121494010 137947843 164931053 173245920 145280246 204995750 205442592 212582880 215767440 232847510 198281050 222748906 191802758 192104832 172600224 112914288 107421754 100355318 112602413 93065242

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,668,946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16072852 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:32:12 (UTC) 1,911,603,472,765,839.00 2.562663 113,940,446 10,525,248 9.24
16072846 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:31:08 (UTC) 1,910,671,895,235,903.00 2.560273 113,884,920 162,370,848 142.57
16072763 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:14:12 (UTC) 1,905,111,503,959,077.00 2.560000 113,553,494 16,591,008 14.61
16072753 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:12:27 (UTC) 1,902,326,712,968,677.00 2.560065 113,387,508 10,844,640 9.56
16072748 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:11:17 (UTC) 1,902,327,620,069,065.00 2.560210 113,387,562 62,308,800 54.95
16072722 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:04:50 (UTC) 1,906,055,827,967,521.00 2.560254 113,609,781 20,993,568 18.48
16072710 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:02:34 (UTC) 1,902,340,324,840,187.00 2.560246 113,388,319 158,740,320 140.00
16072628 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 14:46:14 (UTC) 1,894,956,824,810,978.00 2.560022 112,948,228 14,977,920 13.26
16072623 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 14:44:45 (UTC) 1,895,886,621,259,860.00 2.568464 113,003,649 432,870,432 383.06
16072440 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 13:59:55 (UTC) 1,935,321,693,078,516.00 2.562707 115,354,162 40,429,632 35.05
16072419 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 13:55:43 (UTC) 1,932,493,662,118,940.00 2.565377 115,185,598 205,896,960 178.75
16072327 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 13:34:14 (UTC) 1,940,124,424,021,150.00 2.560042 115,640,427 39,899,904 34.50
16072311 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 13:30:03 (UTC) 1,945,825,073,450,970.00 2.564458 115,980,212 87,255,360 75.23
16072270 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 13:21:05 (UTC) 1,942,040,848,947,424.00 2.560244 115,754,655 65,769,984 56.82
16072235 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 13:14:08 (UTC) 1,937,315,717,539,322.00 2.560000 115,473,015 659,168,160 570.84
16071889 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 12:05:12 (UTC) 1,897,185,667,810,898.00 2.560000 113,081,078 216,039,648 191.05
16071777 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 11:42:15 (UTC) 1,889,841,104,526,436.00 2.566934 112,643,308 155,719,584 138.24
16071701 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 11:25:58 (UTC) 1,890,786,877,032,821.00 2.561576 112,699,680 324,439,392 287.88
16071540 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 10:52:25 (UTC) 1,889,040,539,843,495.00 2.575805 112,595,590 188,191,872 167.14
16071441 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 10:32:44 (UTC) 1,875,290,451,552,196.00 2.560000 111,776,021 386,094,240 345.42
Totals 2,277,287,653 3,259,127,520 143.11
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.