Block Shares

Block Shares
16072852 16072966 16073159 16073219 16073239 16073283 16073292 16073300 16073334 16073354 16073444 16073451 16073517 16073625 16073631 16073783 16073868 16073897 16073909 16073926
Expected 113940446 114943355 115500572 115668493 116007669 115949613 116062818 115722956 115948535 116629609 116002022 116228699 115433541 115092858 114755727 113469396 113300775 113466445 112912574 113520467
Actual 10525248 212558112 402197472 121506720 30774816 96585216 13886304 23362464 63488352 28538976 211289664 10927872 159248736 236704608 20347776 355726368 188826720 57672192 41304384 17869536
Average 93065242 110278090 107210794 117863674 105067123 112626288 107784038 109035821 113725555 100342368 120418810 100255786 75960912 87480701 86437997 112352112 129846154 133277126 131058730 129991786

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,105,524 1179152 1176910 2242 168,522,755,536,310.1875 11821753753319 11873635874129 100.44% 4571899.0208224 6.17%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 2 2 0 3,511,322,788,611,873.0000 418582295 359860416 85.97% 4.096042 0.03%
Last 7 Days 43,200 3 3 0 3,511,190,521,218,474.5000 627849791 1821856800 290.17% 6.144588 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 16 16 0 3,477,641,040,459,168.5000 3316536942 5519804640 166.43% 32.515199857119 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 600 600 0 2,319,891,750,219,363.0000 82965794214 90675201888 109.29% 1368.988057878 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16073926 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 19:29:34 (UTC) 1,904,557,390,073,956.00 2.560315 113,520,467 17,869,536 15.74
16073909 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 19:27:39 (UTC) 1,894,358,642,738,957.00 2.560743 112,912,574 41,304,384 36.58
16073897 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 19:23:29 (UTC) 1,903,651,063,713,877.00 2.560890 113,466,445 57,672,192 50.83
16073868 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 19:17:38 (UTC) 1,900,871,580,822,848.00 2.562530 113,300,775 188,826,720 166.66
16073783 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 18:57:52 (UTC) 1,903,700,571,253,144.00 2.560210 113,469,396 355,726,368 313.50
16073631 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 18:20:57 (UTC) 1,925,281,618,485,317.00 2.561318 114,755,727 20,347,776 17.73
16073625 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 18:18:48 (UTC) 1,930,937,738,301,308.00 2.560021 115,092,858 236,704,608 205.66
16073517 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:54:06 (UTC) 1,936,653,450,791,013.00 2.560000 115,433,541 159,248,736 137.96
16073451 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:37:20 (UTC) 1,949,993,988,783,377.00 2.560042 116,228,699 10,927,872 9.40
16073444 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:36:18 (UTC) 1,946,190,978,948,954.00 2.560000 116,002,022 211,289,664 182.14
16073354 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:14:18 (UTC) 1,956,720,141,842,087.00 2.561344 116,629,609 28,538,976 24.47
16073334 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:11:22 (UTC) 1,945,293,609,404,464.00 2.560399 115,948,535 63,488,352 54.76
16073300 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:04:46 (UTC) 1,941,509,029,812,990.00 2.560377 115,722,956 23,362,464 20.19
16073292 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:02:20 (UTC) 1,947,210,960,290,291.00 2.560105 116,062,818 13,886,304 11.96
16073283 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 17:00:48 (UTC) 1,945,311,706,531,303.00 2.560168 115,949,613 96,585,216 83.30
16073239 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 16:50:51 (UTC) 1,946,285,717,006,493.00 2.560021 116,007,669 30,774,816 26.53
16073219 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 16:47:40 (UTC) 1,940,595,290,734,947.00 2.560139 115,668,493 121,506,720 105.05
16073159 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 16:35:05 (UTC) 1,937,778,049,435,413.00 2.560063 115,500,572 402,197,472 348.22
16072966 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:54:02 (UTC) 1,928,429,494,335,447.00 2.561323 114,943,355 212,558,112 184.92
16072852 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 15:32:12 (UTC) 1,911,603,472,765,839.00 2.562663 113,940,446 10,525,248 9.24
Totals 2,300,556,570 2,303,341,536 100.12
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.