Block Shares

Block Shares
16070262 16070272 16070275 16070292 16070321 16070456 16070594 16070678 16070790 16070876 16070889 16070921 16070954 16071182 16071208 16071232 16071241 16071245 16071258 16071441
Expected 117235088 117062938 117120069 117291380 117519819 117229157 116882953 115857259 115119783 113830756 114053163 114554889 114497998 113378150 112879989 112384366 112494009 112548910 112219097 111776021
Actual 27018336 23170176 5033952 32225472 53195136 290538528 294485088 199692288 243542208 207597024 23653536 54607296 72570912 495696384 62013120 61301568 15852480 8054304 35096256 386094240
Average 29165520 27904032 25925280 27370147 32162544 56362704 81462595 99122237 123323174 137649821 137313341 140457053 147210749 193557840 194439638 171515942 143652682 124488883 103644288 121494010

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,105,518 1179152 1176910 2242 168,522,755,536,310.1875 11821753753319 11873635874129 100.44% 4571899.0208224 6.17%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 2 2 0 3,511,322,788,611,873.0000 418582295 359860416 85.97% 4.096042 0.03%
Last 7 Days 43,200 3 3 0 3,511,190,521,218,474.5000 627849791 1821856800 290.17% 6.144588 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 16 16 0 3,477,641,040,459,168.5000 3316536942 5519804640 166.43% 32.515199857119 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 600 600 0 2,319,891,750,219,363.0000 82965794214 90675201888 109.29% 1368.988057878 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16071441 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 10:32:44 (UTC) 1,875,290,451,552,196.00 2.560000 111,776,021 386,094,240 345.42
16071258 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 09:51:55 (UTC) 1,882,724,036,963,115.00 2.560000 112,219,097 35,096,256 31.27
16071245 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 09:48:14 (UTC) 1,888,257,381,482,642.00 2.560022 112,548,910 8,054,304 7.16
16071241 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 09:47:28 (UTC) 1,887,336,280,760,051.00 2.560728 112,494,009 15,852,480 14.09
16071232 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 09:45:44 (UTC) 1,885,496,776,098,716.00 2.561793 112,384,366 61,301,568 54.55
16071208 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 09:39:24 (UTC) 1,893,811,953,059,060.00 2.560568 112,879,989 62,013,120 54.94
16071182 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 09:32:50 (UTC) 1,902,169,707,743,390.00 2.560359 113,378,150 495,696,384 437.21
16070954 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 08:40:42 (UTC) 1,920,957,643,756,053.00 2.560757 114,497,998 72,570,912 63.38
16070921 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 08:32:52 (UTC) 1,921,912,118,397,677.00 2.560044 114,554,889 54,607,296 47.67
16070889 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 08:27:09 (UTC) 1,913,494,559,058,465.00 2.560000 114,053,163 23,653,536 20.74
16070876 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 08:24:40 (UTC) 1,909,763,189,086,677.00 2.641483 113,830,756 207,597,024 182.37
16070790 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 08:02:41 (UTC) 1,931,389,467,174,290.00 2.560046 115,119,783 243,542,208 211.56
16070678 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 07:36:47 (UTC) 1,943,762,252,865,629.00 2.560255 115,857,259 199,692,288 172.36
16070594 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 07:15:32 (UTC) 1,960,970,541,857,944.00 1.920000 116,882,953 294,485,088 251.95
16070456 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 06:44:11 (UTC) 1,966,778,894,342,683.00 2.560149 117,229,157 290,538,528 247.84
16070321 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 06:13:13 (UTC) 1,971,655,395,664,307.00 2.560170 117,519,819 53,195,136 45.26
16070292 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 06:07:34 (UTC) 1,967,822,819,191,862.00 2.561787 117,291,380 32,225,472 27.47
16070275 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 06:04:16 (UTC) 1,964,948,702,526,654.00 2.560987 117,120,069 5,033,952 4.30
16070272 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 06:03:47 (UTC) 1,963,990,191,421,389.00 2.560021 117,062,938 23,170,176 19.79
16070262 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 06:01:20 (UTC) 1,966,878,392,058,532.00 2.572103 117,235,088 27,018,336 23.05
Totals 2,295,935,794 2,591,438,304 112.87
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.