Block Shares

Block Shares
18332305 18332919 18333143 18334008 18334023 18334082 18334782 18335171 18335637 18335767 18337231 18338814 18338992 18339298 18340373 18340658 18342904 18344023 18344037 18344225
Expected 113554034 115778160 116622620 115405771 115348842 114058531 114935248 114533850 116382469 116663348 119678410 118238253 118291528 116904239 116188008 116008174 116000385 117278791 117106773 116701659
Actual 48856320 102273888 37441920 154124064 2679360 12572352 119596320 67859808 77604960 20677248 245501856 275397696 30601728 56146656 187652064 49891392 386012928 187827456 2757216 32539488
Average 114545914 120489187 124163117 124487578 106047274 96132365 85219459 64266931 71354938 64368624 84033178 101345558 100661539 90863798 109361069 113092973 139734634 151731398 144246624 145432848

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,468,176 1179050 1176808 2242 168,301,573,808,703.5938 11805214790742 11853794311601 100.41% 4571691.1832624 6.38%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 14 14 0 2,347,004,682,998,453.0000 1958493326 1073594880 54.82% 28.5487268171 0.03%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 36 36 0 2,436,796,885,430,757.0000 5228798859 4790980704 91.63% 72.6533391361 0.02%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 1164 1164 0 2,075,781,684,020,866.7500 144017331612 147662426688 102.53% 2851.044996704 0.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
18344225 Confirmed for_ever89 18/09 00:48:16 (UTC) 1,957,928,948,072,299.00 2.560000 116,701,659 32,539,488 27.88
18344037 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 00:05:44 (UTC) 1,964,725,623,048,518.00 2.560128 117,106,773 2,757,216 2.35
18344023 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 00:02:07 (UTC) 1,967,611,615,879,025.00 2.563402 117,278,791 187,827,456 160.15
18342904 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 19:57:31 (UTC) 1,946,163,509,429,417.00 2.560063 116,000,385 386,012,928 332.77
18340658 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 11:39:04 (UTC) 1,946,294,201,215,906.00 2.560399 116,008,174 49,891,392 43.01
18340373 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 10:34:56 (UTC) 1,949,311,313,141,948.00 2.560262 116,188,008 187,652,064 161.51
18339298 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 06:34:02 (UTC) 1,961,327,665,714,876.00 2.640273 116,904,239 56,146,656 48.03
18338992 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 05:22:03 (UTC) 1,984,602,518,475,917.00 2.560000 118,291,528 30,601,728 25.87
18338814 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 04:42:32 (UTC) 1,983,708,718,179,570.00 2.640000 118,238,253 275,397,696 232.92
18337231 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 22:46:37 (UTC) 2,007,870,542,270,550.00 2.560000 119,678,410 245,501,856 205.13
18335767 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 17:29:25 (UTC) 1,957,286,183,604,273.00 2.240000 116,663,348 20,677,248 17.72
18335637 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 17:02:42 (UTC) 1,952,573,821,229,420.00 2.560273 116,382,469 77,604,960 66.68
18335171 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 15:22:46 (UTC) 1,921,559,138,171,888.00 2.560119 114,533,850 67,859,808 59.25
18334782 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 13:55:53 (UTC) 1,928,293,474,596,929.00 2.560400 114,935,248 119,596,320 104.06
18334082 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 11:22:46 (UTC) 1,913,584,604,960,518.00 2.560000 114,058,531 12,572,352 11.02
18334023 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 11:06:34 (UTC) 1,935,232,441,946,001.00 2.560253 115,348,842 2,679,360 2.32
18334008 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 11:03:05 (UTC) 1,936,187,544,377,433.00 2.560042 115,405,771 154,124,064 133.55
18333143 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 07:46:05 (UTC) 1,956,602,880,118,213.00 2.560000 116,622,620 37,441,920 32.11
18332919 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 06:57:56 (UTC) 1,942,435,192,250,782.00 1.600000 115,778,160 102,273,888 88.34
18332305 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 04:47:07 (UTC) 1,905,120,556,557,686.00 2.560086 113,554,034 48,856,320 43.02
Totals 2,325,679,093 2,098,014,720 90.21
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.