Block Shares

Block Shares
18320833 18320935 18322389 18323948 18324218 18324293 18324659 18325196 18325383 18325684 18325930 18325934 18326747 18327840 18328483 18329826 18331435 18331476 18332029 18332305
Expected 114544515 113538393 115854001 118960710 119243487 118833875 119699283 118055872 117761269 116548208 116200909 116200853 110960516 112184851 111403082 112460682 112471272 112745510 114396493 113554034
Actual 20175552 20257824 248960544 262565664 46997280 13468800 61957248 96453696 32209440 54292416 42841152 702624 150879456 187082400 111721440 228725376 277385088 6724896 90540384 48856320
Average 85566442 83214422 106408387 123977261 123303821 106785072 101271475 106688074 92205494 85733846 88000406 86044886 76236778 68688451 75160867 96686525 118229309 109256429 115089523 114545914

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,668,839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
18332305 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 04:47:07 (UTC) 1,905,120,556,557,686.00 2.560086 113,554,034 48,856,320 43.02
18332029 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 03:44:32 (UTC) 1,919,254,671,914,245.00 2.560105 114,396,493 90,540,384 79.15
18331476 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 01:47:29 (UTC) 1,891,555,772,084,062.00 2.560069 112,745,510 6,724,896 5.96
18331435 Confirmed anonymous 16/09 01:38:44 (UTC) 1,886,954,826,079,485.00 2.560000 112,471,272 277,385,088 246.63
18329826 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 19:41:56 (UTC) 1,886,777,145,292,245.00 2.640349 112,460,682 228,725,376 203.38
18328483 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 14:48:02 (UTC) 1,869,033,561,417,743.00 2.561076 111,403,082 111,721,440 100.29
18327840 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 12:25:31 (UTC) 1,882,149,484,435,394.00 2.560000 112,184,851 187,082,400 166.76
18326747 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 08:26:17 (UTC) 1,861,608,539,781,036.00 2.560000 110,960,516 150,879,456 135.98
18325934 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 05:12:25 (UTC) 1,949,526,817,234,104.00 2.560000 116,200,853 702,624 0.60
18325930 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 05:11:36 (UTC) 1,949,527,746,841,263.00 2.560021 116,200,909 42,841,152 36.87
18325684 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 04:16:26 (UTC) 1,955,354,464,511,734.00 2.560000 116,548,208 54,292,416 46.58
18325383 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 03:06:12 (UTC) 1,975,706,246,159,477.00 2.560000 117,761,269 32,209,440 27.35
18325196 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 02:24:28 (UTC) 1,980,648,856,350,514.00 2.560980 118,055,872 96,453,696 81.70
18324659 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 00:19:34 (UTC) 2,008,220,727,043,139.00 2.560063 119,699,283 61,957,248 51.76
18324293 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 22:59:30 (UTC) 1,993,701,588,983,185.00 2.560462 118,833,875 13,468,800 11.33
18324218 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 22:42:07 (UTC) 2,000,573,741,730,443.00 2.560000 119,243,487 46,997,280 39.41
18323948 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 21:41:50 (UTC) 1,995,829,533,108,291.00 2.560120 118,960,710 262,565,664 220.72
18322389 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 16:04:13 (UTC) 1,943,707,594,651,102.00 2.560735 115,854,001 248,960,544 214.89
18320935 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 10:45:53 (UTC) 1,904,858,138,373,523.00 2.560483 113,538,393 20,257,824 17.84
18320833 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 10:19:52 (UTC) 1,921,738,066,842,642.00 2.560000 114,544,515 20,175,552 17.61
Totals 2,305,617,815 2,002,797,600 86.87
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.