Block Shares

Block Shares
20749315 20756825 20760637 20763427 20767900 20781136 20788098 20789293 20794310 20796312 20797853 20802786 20803129 20808674 20810986 20811354 20813508 20817794 20817837 20818633
Expected 147484729 151740369 145844998 147322371 148462496 146973957 151015134 142374685 133179180 138965623 142766642 147833195 145455712 136719261 134454741 132873703 132807260 141160425 141435488 137452278
Actual 233961312 209584992 109059840 79279680 125337312 366487008 190419168 35350464 142268160 53853792 41574048 141170016 11041824 166115136 69335136 11225376 62789376 123412608 1155744 23884032
Average 175258963 185218685 176667302 159954144 159443434 192825341 209452464 197679926 151888493 154560173 135321446 128479949 118678147 127361693 121761475 86235312 73472333 82278547 68167306 65170330

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,467,790 1179050 1176808 2242 168,301,573,808,703.5938 11805214790742 11853794311601 100.41% 4571691.1832624 6.38%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 14 14 0 2,347,004,682,998,453.0000 1958493326 1073594880 54.82% 28.5487268171 0.03%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 36 36 0 2,436,796,885,430,757.0000 5228798859 4790980704 91.63% 72.6533391361 0.02%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 1164 1164 0 2,075,781,684,020,866.7500 144017331612 147662426688 102.53% 2851.044996704 0.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20818633 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 01:13:25 (UTC) 2,306,066,562,788,967.00 2.048000 137,452,278 23,884,032 17.38
20817837 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 22:08:26 (UTC) 2,372,893,730,508,553.00 2.048000 141,435,488 1,155,744 0.82
20817794 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 21:59:48 (UTC) 2,368,278,944,757,987.00 2.048273 141,160,425 123,412,608 87.43
20813508 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 06:27:44 (UTC) 2,228,136,079,861,516.00 2.048000 132,807,260 62,789,376 47.28
20811354 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 22:30:58 (UTC) 2,229,250,809,281,318.00 2.050225 132,873,703 11,225,376 8.45
20810986 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 21:05:58 (UTC) 2,255,776,226,808,759.00 2.048638 134,454,741 69,335,136 51.57
20808674 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 12:23:32 (UTC) 2,293,768,576,495,716.00 2.048000 136,719,261 166,115,136 121.50
20803129 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 15:31:22 (UTC) 2,440,341,894,866,004.00 1.792000 145,455,712 11,041,824 7.59
20802786 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 14:07:41 (UTC) 2,480,229,439,992,660.00 2.112126 147,833,195 141,170,016 95.49
20797853 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 19:53:01 (UTC) 2,395,226,790,471,344.00 2.112105 142,766,642 41,574,048 29.12
20796312 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 14:17:30 (UTC) 2,331,456,274,816,996.00 2.048253 138,965,623 53,853,792 38.75
20794310 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 07:01:30 (UTC) 2,234,375,871,391,066.00 2.048845 133,179,180 142,268,160 106.82
20789293 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 11:57:30 (UTC) 2,388,650,839,223,399.00 2.048000 142,374,685 35,350,464 24.83
20788098 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 07:15:06 (UTC) 2,533,613,520,714,056.00 2.048261 151,015,134 190,419,168 126.09
20781136 Confirmed anonymous 29/09 05:30:44 (UTC) 2,465,813,816,142,743.00 2.048387 146,973,957 366,487,008 249.36
20767900 Confirmed anonymous 27/09 04:13:27 (UTC) 2,490,787,360,131,975.00 2.048000 148,462,496 125,337,312 84.42
20763427 Confirmed anonymous 26/09 11:39:29 (UTC) 2,471,659,242,253,274.00 2.051180 147,322,371 79,279,680 53.81
20760637 Confirmed anonymous 26/09 01:14:19 (UTC) 2,446,873,038,547,483.00 2.048021 145,844,998 109,059,840 74.78
20756825 Confirmed anonymous 25/09 10:53:10 (UTC) 2,545,780,954,709,588.00 1.792000 151,740,369 209,584,992 138.12
20749315 Confirmed anonymous 24/09 07:03:51 (UTC) 2,474,383,147,511,738.00 2.048000 147,484,729 233,961,312 158.63
Totals 2,846,322,247 2,197,305,024 77.20
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.