Block Shares

Block Shares
18344225 18344315 18344395 18345087 18345436 18346033 18347478 18349591 18349757 18350219 18350250 18350927 18351722 18352336 18352359 18352636 18352845 18352918 18352940 18353074
Expected 116701659 117041602 117957600 115825444 114240997 114167473 113242097 116322227 113620899 115454315 116189025 116510509 117404030 117557683 117729325 116009510 113758731 112211798 111883133 111606758
Actual 32539488 15446496 11674080 122834592 63324096 103932000 246864672 353169984 32958816 74978400 3334560 115322592 132228576 103602144 4032576 50456832 40127520 15720576 4301760 23562336
Average 145432848 122427312 96054950 105278237 105995981 97623974 117321302 114037008 98550144 105772262 102851770 112839379 124894829 122971584 117042432 111694915 91021200 57276259 54410554 49268947

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,668,521 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
18353074 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:47:56 (UTC) 1,872,450,687,180,710.00 2.560064 111,606,758 23,562,336 21.11
18352940 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:17:46 (UTC) 1,877,087,489,899,416.00 2.560177 111,883,133 4,301,760 3.84
18352918 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:12:14 (UTC) 1,882,601,568,880,586.00 2.561138 112,211,798 15,720,576 14.01
18352845 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:52:02 (UTC) 1,908,554,808,973,183.00 2.640000 113,758,731 40,127,520 35.27
18352636 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:00:06 (UTC) 1,946,316,611,291,070.00 2.560798 116,009,510 50,456,832 43.49
18352359 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 06:54:18 (UTC) 1,975,170,320,968,510.00 2.560304 117,729,325 4,032,576 3.43
18352336 Confirmed eddy67 19/09 06:49:16 (UTC) 1,972,290,647,691,840.00 2.560000 117,557,683 103,602,144 88.13
18351722 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 04:33:57 (UTC) 1,969,712,764,916,603.00 2.560474 117,404,030 132,228,576 112.63
18350927 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 01:40:09 (UTC) 1,954,721,980,302,379.00 2.560063 116,510,509 115,322,592 98.98
18350250 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:08:45 (UTC) 1,949,328,370,891,369.00 2.560042 116,189,025 3,334,560 2.87
18350219 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:04:13 (UTC) 1,937,001,976,468,204.00 2.560336 115,454,315 74,978,400 64.94
18349757 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 21:26:00 (UTC) 1,906,242,365,891,929.00 2.560085 113,620,899 32,958,816 29.01
18349591 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 20:43:01 (UTC) 1,951,563,133,450,377.00 2.560210 116,322,227 353,169,984 303.61
18347478 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 13:01:52 (UTC) 1,899,887,118,523,067.00 2.560046 113,242,097 246,864,672 218.00
18346033 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 07:40:22 (UTC) 1,915,412,356,640,758.00 2.560075 114,167,473 103,932,000 91.03
18345436 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 05:25:18 (UTC) 1,916,645,885,691,200.00 2.561055 114,240,997 63,324,096 55.43
18345087 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 04:03:17 (UTC) 1,943,228,489,136,134.00 2.561261 115,825,444 122,834,592 106.05
18344395 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 01:23:28 (UTC) 1,979,000,133,289,020.00 2.560233 117,957,600 11,674,080 9.90
18344315 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 01:08:07 (UTC) 1,963,632,243,033,491.00 2.560000 117,041,602 15,446,496 13.20
18344225 Confirmed for_ever89 18/09 00:48:16 (UTC) 1,957,928,948,072,299.00 2.560000 116,701,659 32,539,488 27.88
Totals 2,305,434,815 1,550,412,096 67.25
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.