Block Shares

Block Shares
16430048 16430141 16430219 16430393 16430403 16430482 16430788 16430819 16430863 16430907 16431000 16431094 16431127 16431179 16431230 16431239 16431352 16431557 16431574 16431615
Expected 111616766 110258893 110580729 110683513 110036243 109551459 109329272 108582429 108316198 107576945 107731263 106994596 106680626 106314956 106470005 106469878 107354945 105373500 105424474 105681530
Actual 67726176 139875360 99109248 215942400 21676608 113100096 397436256 50617536 63397920 66386304 118406208 136235040 47394624 72645792 62383200 10370688 135640032 284590752 22181088 47510400
Average 84334560 93495178 99417110 115139088 87428083 95779939 131973110 113345510 118118880 123526790 128594794 128230762 123059299 108729638 112800298 102527357 76347734 99745056 95623373 93735782

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,892,410 1179133 1176891 2242 168,469,565,883,622.2812 11817831746479 11866781855537 100.41% 4571860.3605474 6.24%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 3,354,375,822,634,017.0000 199936379 205941024 103.00% 2.048567 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 4 4 0 3,377,230,043,987,363.0000 805194388 1371671616 170.35% 8.1930350865 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 24 24 0 2,907,506,424,461,617.0000 4159221303 5695243008 136.93% 48.963881029694 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 815 815 0 2,191,720,325,246,471.0000 106468919818 106209777312 99.76% 1925.8331747813 0.04%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16431615 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 10:21:49 (UTC) 1,773,041,848,226,297.00 2.560000 105,681,530 47,510,400 44.96
16431574 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 10:13:39 (UTC) 1,768,729,167,126,229.00 2.560420 105,424,474 22,181,088 21.04
16431557 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 10:09:54 (UTC) 1,767,873,968,357,779.00 2.561176 105,373,500 284,590,752 270.08
16431352 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 09:21:14 (UTC) 1,801,117,102,804,170.00 2.560000 107,354,945 135,640,032 126.35
16431239 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 08:57:59 (UTC) 1,786,268,145,828,773.00 2.564962 106,469,878 10,370,688 9.74
16431230 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 08:56:13 (UTC) 1,786,270,275,644,065.00 2.560043 106,470,005 62,383,200 58.59
16431179 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 08:45:33 (UTC) 1,783,668,984,320,533.00 2.560000 106,314,956 72,645,792 68.33
16431127 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 08:33:13 (UTC) 1,789,803,912,211,319.00 2.240000 106,680,626 47,394,624 44.43
16431094 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 08:25:05 (UTC) 1,795,071,441,694,975.00 2.561260 106,994,596 136,235,040 127.33
16431000 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 08:01:45 (UTC) 1,807,430,663,831,327.00 2.570145 107,731,263 118,406,208 109.91
16430907 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 07:41:23 (UTC) 1,804,841,645,231,329.00 2.560883 107,576,945 66,386,304 61.71
16430863 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 07:30:02 (UTC) 1,817,244,250,690,142.00 2.560420 108,316,198 63,397,920 58.53
16430819 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 07:19:11 (UTC) 1,821,710,863,013,577.00 2.240000 108,582,429 50,617,536 46.62
16430788 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 07:10:31 (UTC) 1,834,240,817,631,999.00 2.560043 109,329,272 397,436,256 363.52
16430482 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 06:02:25 (UTC) 1,837,968,497,338,251.00 2.560000 109,551,459 113,100,096 103.24
16430403 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 05:43:02 (UTC) 1,846,101,820,748,594.00 2.560441 110,036,243 21,676,608 19.70
16430393 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 05:39:16 (UTC) 1,856,961,212,439,420.00 2.560000 110,683,513 215,942,400 195.10
16430219 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 05:02:16 (UTC) 1,855,236,780,271,106.00 2.560021 110,580,729 99,109,248 89.63
16430141 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 04:45:22 (UTC) 1,849,837,268,716,198.00 2.560063 110,258,893 139,875,360 126.86
16430048 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 04:21:17 (UTC) 1,872,618,588,279,783.00 2.560000 111,616,766 67,726,176 60.68
Totals 2,161,028,220 2,172,625,728 100.54
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.