Block Shares

Block Shares
20595903 20597899 20606171 20609902 20610719 20614661 20626625 20636592 20638234 20641245 20645547 20645813 20662546 20665312 20666803 20669632 20675736 20676582 20684261 20688421
Expected 141671351 139405091 136288003 141730465 142533962 140450903 143853324 139361241 143448882 138101369 147437090 146422207 145685550 150509054 147395742 148090193 149895004 148552529 152987743 148555803
Actual 204170880 55619424 226929984 104702016 23666592 113300640 346128960 288683232 46029984 88416960 123526656 7784256 481494336 75815424 42223200 79733088 168332928 24078624 203369760 109987776
Average 172226122 144825629 156447552 122249098 117813725 117368707 147003130 171219139 164125632 149764867 141700445 136916928 162373363 159484704 161340365 157983610 140204006 113743546 129477523 131634605

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,467,834 1179050 1176808 2242 168,301,573,808,703.5938 11805214790742 11853794311601 100.41% 4571691.1832624 6.38%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 14 14 0 2,347,004,682,998,453.0000 1958493326 1073594880 54.82% 28.5487268171 0.03%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 36 36 0 2,436,796,885,430,757.0000 5228798859 4790980704 91.63% 72.6533391361 0.02%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 1164 1164 0 2,075,781,684,020,866.7500 144017331612 147662426688 102.53% 2851.044996704 0.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20688421 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 20:27:33 (UTC) 2,492,352,801,541,522.00 2.048000 148,555,803 109,987,776 74.04
20684261 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 04:50:48 (UTC) 2,566,708,406,558,485.00 1.536000 152,987,743 203,369,760 132.93
20676582 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 00:25:54 (UTC) 2,492,297,873,282,823.00 2.048198 148,552,529 24,078,624 16.21
20675736 Confirmed anonymous 12/09 21:14:36 (UTC) 2,514,820,860,739,068.00 2.048023 149,895,004 168,332,928 112.30
20669632 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 22:36:41 (UTC) 2,484,541,158,179,092.00 2.048021 148,090,193 79,733,088 53.84
20666803 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 12:01:45 (UTC) 2,472,890,205,170,752.00 2.048000 147,395,742 42,223,200 28.65
20665312 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 06:25:12 (UTC) 2,525,122,915,564,060.00 2.048148 150,509,054 75,815,424 50.37
20662546 Confirmed anonymous 10/09 20:18:21 (UTC) 2,444,197,942,993,609.00 2.048147 145,685,550 481,494,336 330.50
20645813 Confirmed anonymous 08/09 05:54:47 (UTC) 2,456,557,002,332,495.00 2.048042 146,422,207 7,784,256 5.32
20645547 Confirmed anonymous 08/09 04:52:39 (UTC) 2,473,583,905,134,185.00 2.048049 147,437,090 123,526,656 83.78
20641245 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 13:12:42 (UTC) 2,316,956,494,601,749.00 2.049322 138,101,369 88,416,960 64.02
20638234 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 01:51:44 (UTC) 2,406,672,871,465,507.00 2.048063 143,448,882 46,029,984 32.09
20636592 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 19:55:25 (UTC) 2,338,093,649,050,793.00 2.048357 139,361,241 288,683,232 207.15
20626625 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 06:45:14 (UTC) 2,413,458,287,784,904.00 2.048951 143,853,324 346,128,960 240.61
20614661 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 10:21:17 (UTC) 2,356,375,135,576,597.00 2.048126 140,450,903 113,300,640 80.67
20610719 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 19:37:45 (UTC) 2,391,323,063,432,433.00 2.048988 142,533,962 23,666,592 16.60
20609902 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 16:36:20 (UTC) 2,377,842,629,046,684.00 2.048209 141,730,465 104,702,016 73.87
20606171 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 02:55:09 (UTC) 2,286,533,269,278,211.00 2.048000 136,288,003 226,929,984 166.51
20597899 Confirmed anonymous 31/08 19:56:37 (UTC) 2,338,829,316,667,665.00 2.048105 139,405,091 55,619,424 39.90
20595903 Confirmed anonymous 31/08 12:25:37 (UTC) 2,376,850,849,756,932.00 2.112550 141,671,351 204,170,880 144.12
Totals 2,892,375,506 2,813,994,720 97.29
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.