Block Shares

Block Shares
18759898 18760980 18761946 18762283 18762442 18764636 18765136 18765433 18765717 18766234 18766663 18769091 18772292 18772764 18777753 18778805 18781461 18784002 18784579 18785918
Expected 118821498 119487280 120513271 120797748 119793565 124139570 119831860 119414699 118941624 120565138 118391100 117401477 121389764 123166052 115733763 123172117 116696433 127098004 126832394 118813840
Actual 55348128 150447456 130508736 45078624 23354592 291044448 74109120 43151904 42486336 71153952 65821344 331075200 422008224 67275168 683103456 131032224 366321600 321290016 77146176 190600704
Average 140527392 141750490 139248922 124996099 120789994 131798102 133902806 124141872 96217517 92668330 93715651 111778426 140928374 143148029 209122915 193121693 222342941 250156752 253622736 265567411

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,565,401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
18785918 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 05:45:06 (UTC) 1,993,365,450,444,987.00 2.569458 118,813,840 190,600,704 160.42
18784579 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 00:27:18 (UTC) 2,127,894,467,363,412.00 2.561173 126,832,394 77,146,176 60.83
18784002 Confirmed for_ever89 24/11 22:18:34 (UTC) 2,132,350,667,737,260.00 2.560000 127,098,004 321,290,016 252.79
18781461 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 13:20:32 (UTC) 1,957,841,263,548,196.00 2.564748 116,696,433 366,321,600 313.91
18778805 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 03:11:09 (UTC) 2,066,485,218,503,053.00 2.560105 123,172,117 131,032,224 106.38
18777753 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 23:36:45 (UTC) 1,941,690,342,303,135.00 2.640075 115,733,763 683,103,456 590.24
18772764 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 04:48:07 (UTC) 2,066,383,460,725,944.00 2.560219 123,166,052 67,275,168 54.62
18772292 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 03:06:43 (UTC) 2,036,582,292,196,056.00 2.561343 121,389,764 422,008,224 347.65
18769091 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 15:29:41 (UTC) 1,969,669,944,674,181.00 2.560657 117,401,477 331,075,200 282.00
18766663 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 06:25:49 (UTC) 1,986,273,049,221,128.00 2.560361 118,391,100 65,821,344 55.60
18766234 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 04:45:12 (UTC) 2,022,747,358,447,106.00 2.560153 120,565,138 71,153,952 59.02
18765717 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 02:55:19 (UTC) 1,995,509,313,444,217.00 2.562952 118,941,624 42,486,336 35.72
18765433 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 01:49:58 (UTC) 2,003,446,197,446,827.00 2.580190 119,414,699 43,151,904 36.14
18765136 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 00:42:26 (UTC) 2,010,445,005,373,447.00 2.560972 119,831,860 74,109,120 61.84
18764636 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:40:56 (UTC) 2,082,716,371,726,516.00 2.560088 124,139,570 291,044,448 234.45
18762442 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 14:43:49 (UTC) 2,009,802,521,357,785.00 2.560065 119,793,565 23,354,592 19.50
18762283 Confirmed vibes31fr 21/11 14:05:19 (UTC) 2,026,649,907,826,299.00 2.560086 120,797,748 45,078,624 37.32
18761946 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 12:52:18 (UTC) 2,021,877,174,434,065.00 2.560566 120,513,271 130,508,736 108.29
18760980 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 09:18:44 (UTC) 2,004,663,904,951,573.00 2.560265 119,487,280 150,447,456 125.91
18759898 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 05:22:21 (UTC) 1,993,493,941,362,552.00 2.560000 118,821,498 55,348,128 46.58
Totals 2,411,001,197 3,582,357,408 148.58
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.