Block Shares

Block Shares
18785918 18787714 18787769 18788925 18789719 18790456 18791689 18792599 18792805 18793994 18794318 18796454 18796509 18797990 18799961 18800483 18800665 18800793 18802072 18803860
Expected 118813840 122058073 121937392 121308354 122536544 120786772 119868872 118849575 118842566 118750273 117128083 115476262 115644396 112757846 115264843 113961055 114962856 115072545 117823982 119512072
Actual 190600704 232955712 7528032 155750784 104793888 102278400 169660992 123416352 27052896 158077440 44493408 288709920 6911136 204327072 263259552 72892704 23145792 16618080 168634080 237764832
Average 265567411 282280848 249926131 223300387 227052259 168969754 172832630 148542106 119118394 127211520 112600790 118176211 118114522 122972150 138818717 135880147 121228627 110548800 124706918 132675658

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,892,136 1179133 1176891 2242 168,469,565,883,622.2812 11817831746479 11866781855537 100.41% 4571860.3605474 6.24%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 3,354,375,822,634,017.0000 199936379 205941024 103.00% 2.048567 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 4 4 0 3,377,230,043,987,363.0000 805194388 1371671616 170.35% 8.1930350865 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 24 24 0 2,907,506,424,461,617.0000 4159221303 5695243008 136.93% 48.963881029694 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 815 815 0 2,191,720,325,246,471.0000 106468919818 106209777312 99.76% 1925.8331747813 0.04%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
18803860 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 00:37:53 (UTC) 2,005,079,854,122,231.00 2.575129 119,512,072 237,764,832 198.95
18802072 Confirmed anonymous 27/11 18:03:34 (UTC) 1,976,758,388,215,953.00 2.560126 117,823,982 168,634,080 143.12
18800793 Confirmed anonymous 27/11 13:23:46 (UTC) 1,930,596,935,519,286.00 2.565731 115,072,545 16,618,080 14.44
18800665 Confirmed anonymous 27/11 12:56:11 (UTC) 1,928,756,674,801,593.00 2.564687 114,962,856 23,145,792 20.13
18800483 Confirmed anonymous 27/11 12:17:42 (UTC) 1,911,949,237,778,120.00 2.563017 113,961,055 72,892,704 63.96
18799961 Confirmed anonymous 27/11 10:16:58 (UTC) 1,933,823,173,049,600.00 2.693143 115,264,843 263,259,552 228.40
18797990 Confirmed anonymous 27/11 03:00:11 (UTC) 1,891,762,743,935,921.00 2.686501 112,757,846 204,327,072 181.21
18796509 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 21:20:40 (UTC) 1,940,191,017,612,852.00 2.645349 115,644,396 6,911,136 5.98
18796454 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 21:09:11 (UTC) 1,937,370,197,477,939.00 2.685859 115,476,262 288,709,920 250.02
18794318 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 13:08:18 (UTC) 1,965,083,144,238,139.00 2.640790 117,128,083 44,493,408 37.99
18793994 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 11:53:56 (UTC) 1,992,298,979,615,949.00 2.657801 118,750,273 158,077,440 133.12
18792805 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 07:28:57 (UTC) 1,993,847,395,904,437.00 2.240000 118,842,566 27,052,896 22.76
18792599 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 06:43:17 (UTC) 1,993,964,992,798,322.00 2.585108 118,849,575 123,416,352 103.84
18791689 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 03:16:00 (UTC) 2,011,065,953,436,133.00 2.572885 119,868,872 169,660,992 141.54
18790456 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 22:35:14 (UTC) 2,026,465,755,421,481.00 2.561929 120,786,772 102,278,400 84.68
18789719 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 19:44:08 (UTC) 2,055,822,058,238,781.00 2.563576 122,536,544 104,793,888 85.52
18788925 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 16:48:44 (UTC) 2,035,216,450,061,654.00 2.569063 121,308,354 155,750,784 128.39
18787769 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 12:27:46 (UTC) 2,045,769,962,164,954.00 1.920000 121,937,392 7,528,032 6.17
18787714 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 12:15:13 (UTC) 2,047,794,662,315,074.00 2.560085 122,058,073 232,955,712 190.86
18785918 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 05:45:06 (UTC) 1,993,365,450,444,987.00 2.569458 118,813,840 190,600,704 160.42
Totals 2,361,356,201 2,598,871,776 110.06
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.