Block Shares

Block Shares
17634021 17634548 17635053 17635548 17635929 17636088 17636333 17636468 17636498 17636635 17636778 17636954 17637217 17637375 17637968 17638027 17638131 17638182 17638201 17638242
Expected 99779092 98652944 97489917 97381509 97229510 97367753 98703242 98219186 98122684 97927695 98260016 98979278 100482985 99259259 99487391 99680489 99628772 99871363 99675683 99869837
Actual 131520960 180604128 172499520 164924736 128678112 53393664 74345568 47765856 10508448 45119616 43849056 54138912 78635040 55241952 189061824 18520320 34389504 15190848 7450560 12202656
Average 100362605 116560992 126656726 130124410 129371395 115577443 107367168 99202330 98228928 100936061 92168870 79522349 70135901 59167622 65205994 61718659 57723053 54465552 54159763 50868067

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,892,106 1179133 1176891 2242 168,469,565,883,622.2812 11817831746479 11866781855537 100.41% 4571860.3605474 6.24%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 3,354,375,822,634,017.0000 199936379 205941024 103.00% 2.048567 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 4 4 0 3,377,230,043,987,363.0000 805194388 1371671616 170.35% 8.1930350865 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 24 24 0 2,907,506,424,461,617.0000 4159221303 5695243008 136.93% 48.963881029694 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 815 815 0 2,191,720,325,246,471.0000 106468919818 106209777312 99.76% 1925.8331747813 0.04%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
17638242 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 06:00:06 (UTC) 1,675,537,834,160,740.00 2.560956 99,869,837 12,202,656 12.22
17638201 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 05:51:39 (UTC) 1,672,280,458,931,635.00 2.560000 99,675,683 7,450,560 7.47
17638182 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 05:46:39 (UTC) 1,675,563,424,095,966.00 2.560023 99,871,363 15,190,848 15.21
17638131 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 05:36:19 (UTC) 1,671,493,433,282,549.00 2.560168 99,628,772 34,389,504 34.52
17638027 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 05:12:45 (UTC) 1,672,361,091,345,452.00 2.560000 99,680,489 18,520,320 18.58
17637968 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 05:00:00 (UTC) 1,669,121,440,622,884.00 2.560937 99,487,391 189,061,824 190.04
17637375 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 02:50:48 (UTC) 1,665,294,024,222,460.00 2.560279 99,259,259 55,241,952 55.65
17637217 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 02:13:13 (UTC) 1,685,824,742,979,860.00 2.560000 100,482,985 78,635,040 78.26
17636954 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 01:19:36 (UTC) 1,660,596,732,287,084.00 2.560000 98,979,278 54,138,912 54.70
17636778 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 00:42:50 (UTC) 1,648,529,508,013,851.00 2.560175 98,260,016 43,849,056 44.63
17636635 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 00:12:51 (UTC) 1,642,954,090,818,061.00 2.560111 97,927,695 45,119,616 46.07
17636498 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 23:42:28 (UTC) 1,646,225,458,775,392.00 2.560062 98,122,684 10,508,448 10.71
17636468 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 23:35:31 (UTC) 1,647,844,499,975,679.00 2.560233 98,219,186 47,765,856 48.63
17636333 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 23:03:39 (UTC) 1,655,965,616,464,073.00 2.561386 98,703,242 74,345,568 75.32
17636088 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 22:13:59 (UTC) 1,633,559,826,210,358.00 2.560000 97,367,753 53,393,664 54.84
17635929 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 21:38:35 (UTC) 1,631,240,487,909,240.00 2.560000 97,229,510 128,678,112 132.34
17635548 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 20:12:46 (UTC) 1,633,790,606,756,308.00 2.560412 97,381,509 164,924,736 169.36
17635053 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 18:22:34 (UTC) 1,635,609,391,054,680.00 2.560025 97,489,917 172,499,520 176.94
17634548 Confirmed for_ever89 31/05 16:26:47 (UTC) 1,655,121,743,133,189.00 2.561093 98,652,944 180,604,128 183.07
17634021 Confirmed anonymous 31/05 14:26:31 (UTC) 1,674,015,383,553,681.00 2.560730 99,779,092 131,520,960 131.81
Totals 1,976,068,605 1,518,041,280 76.82
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.