Block Shares

Block Shares
16815683 16815819 16815883 16815956 16815988 16816123 16816437 16816640 16816658 16816878 16816990 16817100 16817331 16817332 16817362 16817364 16817576 16817713 16817849 16818091
Expected 100627684 100183156 98578670 98480663 98383739 98476174 99630610 100851094 100506245 101587845 100106238 99130605 98593367 98641509 98930544 98737320 97963868 97056274 97194943 96337139
Actual 220876512 121193472 74710464 67872672 30871584 115050912 255839904 162978816 19268256 170297280 114925152 104536032 203407488 233280 22393248 4319424 195084288 129624864 120782784 222752640
Average 71655312 75229910 82541971 88412726 81084643 82941350 103903334 117948259 110384410 123895987 113300851 111635107 124504810 117740870 116893037 105819888 99744326 96408931 106560384 111805920

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,237,717 1179169 1176927 2242 168,574,999,434,735.7500 11825589439853 11877089019761 100.44% 4571933.908091 6.13%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 4,064,467,094,545,157.0000 242261117 210427200 86.86% 2.048063 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 6 6 0 3,893,793,616,309,455.5000 1392529112 1069876416 76.83% 12.289851230958 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 20 20 0 3,744,285,652,506,010.5000 4463536325 5275002432 118.18% 41.031856617358 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 550 550 0 2,391,279,159,433,220.0000 78392239671 84060474144 107.23% 1233.1258047242 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16818091 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 16:24:38 (UTC) 1,616,268,996,556,723.00 2.560313 96,337,139 222,752,640 231.22
16817849 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 15:28:20 (UTC) 1,630,660,560,056,835.00 2.560000 97,194,943 120,782,784 124.27
16817713 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 14:57:49 (UTC) 1,628,334,069,706,246.00 2.560546 97,056,274 129,624,864 133.56
16817576 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 14:25:06 (UTC) 1,643,560,974,885,714.00 2.560000 97,963,868 195,084,288 199.14
16817364 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 13:35:34 (UTC) 1,656,537,347,616,737.00 2.560445 98,737,320 4,319,424 4.37
16817362 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 13:34:30 (UTC) 1,659,779,103,678,609.00 2.560308 98,930,544 22,393,248 22.64
16817332 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 13:28:48 (UTC) 1,654,929,899,451,886.00 2.560105 98,641,509 233,280 0.24
16817331 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 13:28:44 (UTC) 1,654,122,222,585,390.00 2.560210 98,593,367 203,407,488 206.31
16817100 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 12:36:55 (UTC) 1,663,135,567,644,642.00 2.643638 99,130,605 104,536,032 105.45
16816990 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 12:10:17 (UTC) 1,679,503,976,009,904.00 2.560454 100,106,238 114,925,152 114.80
16816878 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 11:40:54 (UTC) 1,704,361,215,503,022.00 2.560146 101,587,845 170,297,280 167.64
16816658 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 10:57:10 (UTC) 1,686,214,987,580,029.00 2.560649 100,506,245 19,268,256 19.17
16816640 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 10:52:13 (UTC) 1,692,000,593,063,211.00 2.560021 100,851,094 162,978,816 161.60
16816437 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 10:10:31 (UTC) 1,671,524,267,680,432.00 2.560434 99,630,610 255,839,904 256.79
16816123 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 09:05:20 (UTC) 1,652,156,047,931,235.00 2.560063 98,476,174 115,050,912 116.83
16815988 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 08:36:20 (UTC) 1,650,605,248,314,184.00 2.560022 98,383,739 30,871,584 31.38
16815956 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 08:28:29 (UTC) 1,652,231,355,977,790.00 2.640147 98,480,663 67,872,672 68.92
16815883 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 08:11:21 (UTC) 1,653,875,640,249,285.00 2.560047 98,578,670 74,710,464 75.79
16815819 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 07:52:27 (UTC) 1,680,794,447,280,407.00 2.560126 100,183,156 121,193,472 120.97
16815683 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 07:21:49 (UTC) 1,688,252,395,055,752.00 2.560277 100,627,684 220,876,512 219.50
Totals 1,979,997,687 2,357,019,072 119.04
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.