Block Shares

Block Shares
21484388 21486035 21489821 21505987 21518007 21522871 21533208 21551132 21551463 21557164 21563651 21571971 21572131 21583692 21597443 21603292 21605399 21609293 21618996 21627417
Expected 209267496 210210476 208371819 214456246 208549155 201778189 223336099 229706609 229015004 236425868 233517377 219441311 217193167 229738398 229732064 228145948 229026565 232185966 231177451 242261117
Actual 1461996384 169862496 189997920 430445568 321914592 129994656 269464800 438216576 8052576 138941568 160342848 205063008 4226112 276606912 328868544 141987264 50509152 93035520 245048736 210427200
Average 384136618 357122496 367915978 382196822 412723248 397891786 396554525 433979818 409545782 355888714 225723360 229243411 210666230 195282365 195977760 197177021 175281456 140763350 164462966 171611530

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,237,842 1179169 1176927 2242 168,574,999,434,735.7500 11825589439853 11877089019761 100.44% 4571933.908091 6.13%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 4,064,467,094,545,157.0000 242261117 210427200 86.86% 2.048063 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 6 6 0 3,893,793,616,309,455.5000 1392529112 1069876416 76.83% 12.289851230958 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 20 20 0 3,744,285,652,506,010.5000 4463536325 5275002432 118.18% 41.031856617358 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 549 549 0 2,391,598,503,073,158.5000 78260158192 83976320352 107.30% 1230.5628017242 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
21627417 Confirmed anonymous 08/02 01:17:11 (UTC) 4,064,467,094,545,157.00 2.048063 242,261,117 210,427,200 86.86
21618996 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 17:45:51 (UTC) 3,878,514,030,223,201.00 2.049144 231,177,451 245,048,736 106.00
21609293 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 05:11:08 (UTC) 3,895,434,108,335,933.00 2.048000 232,185,966 93,035,520 40.07
21605399 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 14:35:42 (UTC) 3,842,428,153,461,323.00 2.048000 229,026,565 50,509,152 22.05
21603292 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 06:43:00 (UTC) 3,827,653,854,499,530.00 2.048581 228,145,948 141,987,264 62.24
21597443 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 08:34:20 (UTC) 3,854,264,456,791,589.00 2.048063 229,732,064 328,868,544 143.15
21583692 Confirmed anonymous 01/02 04:39:26 (UTC) 3,854,370,727,585,883.00 2.048042 229,738,398 276,606,912 120.40
21572131 Confirmed anonymous 30/01 09:14:18 (UTC) 3,643,896,678,857,052.00 2.048138 217,193,167 4,226,112 1.95
21571971 Confirmed anonymous 30/01 08:35:22 (UTC) 3,681,614,269,361,944.00 2.048090 219,441,311 205,063,008 93.45
21563651 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 00:58:00 (UTC) 3,917,771,477,227,541.00 2.048000 233,517,377 160,342,848 68.66
21557164 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 00:32:23 (UTC) 3,966,567,854,597,657.00 2.049368 236,425,868 138,941,568 58.77
21551463 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 03:16:17 (UTC) 3,842,234,190,856,880.00 2.048146 229,015,004 8,052,576 3.52
21551132 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 02:01:30 (UTC) 3,853,837,389,065,386.00 2.048000 229,706,609 438,216,576 190.77
21533208 Confirmed anonymous 24/01 06:48:24 (UTC) 3,746,957,967,081,895.00 2.050710 223,336,099 269,464,800 120.65
21522871 Confirmed anonymous 22/01 16:29:53 (UTC) 3,385,276,258,526,319.00 2.048000 201,778,189 129,994,656 64.42
21518007 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 21:58:57 (UTC) 3,498,874,212,921,248.00 2.048000 208,549,155 321,914,592 154.36
21505987 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 00:42:37 (UTC) 3,597,978,762,526,248.00 2.112924 214,456,246 430,445,568 200.71
21489821 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 12:12:13 (UTC) 3,495,899,012,988,537.00 2.048000 208,371,819 189,997,920 91.18
21486035 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 21:53:00 (UTC) 3,526,746,564,235,209.00 2.048042 210,210,476 169,862,496 80.81
21484388 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:43:19 (UTC) 3,510,925,986,431,677.00 2.048546 209,267,496 1,461,996,384 698.63
Totals 4,463,536,325 5,275,002,432 118.18
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.