Block Shares

Block Shares
21269560 21277209 21280177 21311437 21319101 21335978 21342911 21353057 21367750 21370504 21380258 21380835 21390198 21399923 21402171 21411043 21433690 21484388 21486035 21489821
Expected 199936379 203283417 201653150 200533330 202816493 204554487 199459302 208692826 206797311 205752036 206948734 209666382 211346544 206876149 205045629 213694623 207036635 209267496 210210476 208371819
Actual 205941024 244323552 96355776 993534624 237841824 550467168 221668128 308600928 440003712 82063104 287637120 16650336 278309280 282837408 63963648 252392928 675512256 1461996384 169862496 189997920
Average 209253130 215960544 222776496 314187379 306409987 355153421 371586269 346440845 359165530 338079984 346249594 323482272 341677622 270607901 253220083 223412659 268797072 384136618 357122496 367915978

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,105,957 1179152 1176910 2242 168,522,755,536,310.1875 11821753753319 11873635874129 100.44% 4571899.0208224 6.17%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 3,495,899,012,988,537.0000 208371819 189997920 91.18% 2.048 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 3 3 0 3,511,190,521,218,474.5000 627849791 1821856800 290.17% 6.144588 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 16 16 0 3,477,641,040,459,168.5000 3316536942 5519804640 166.43% 32.515199857119 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 600 600 0 2,319,891,750,219,363.0000 82965794214 90675201888 109.29% 1368.988057878 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
21489821 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 12:12:13 (UTC) 3,495,899,012,988,537.00 2.048000 208,371,819 189,997,920 91.18
21486035 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 21:53:00 (UTC) 3,526,746,564,235,209.00 2.048042 210,210,476 169,862,496 80.81
21484388 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:43:19 (UTC) 3,510,925,986,431,677.00 2.048546 209,267,496 1,461,996,384 698.63
21433690 Confirmed anonymous 08/01 17:04:57 (UTC) 3,473,498,342,046,186.00 2.048000 207,036,635 675,512,256 326.28
21411043 Confirmed anonymous 05/01 03:34:48 (UTC) 3,585,200,845,942,477.00 2.048000 213,694,623 252,392,928 118.11
21402171 Confirmed anonymous 03/01 18:33:03 (UTC) 3,440,094,802,450,385.00 2.048000 205,045,629 63,963,648 31.19
21399923 Confirmed anonymous 03/01 10:02:20 (UTC) 3,470,805,832,764,929.00 2.048846 206,876,149 282,837,408 136.72
21390198 Confirmed anonymous 01/01 21:16:44 (UTC) 3,545,806,615,419,196.00 2.048000 211,346,544 278,309,280 131.68
21380835 Confirmed anonymous 31/12 10:00:11 (UTC) 3,517,618,171,728,488.00 2.048063 209,666,382 16,650,336 7.94
21380258 Confirmed anonymous 31/12 07:53:13 (UTC) 3,472,023,605,459,102.00 2.048145 206,948,734 287,637,120 138.99
21370504 Confirmed anonymous 29/12 19:17:07 (UTC) 3,451,946,356,117,014.00 2.048063 205,752,036 82,063,104 39.88
21367750 Confirmed anonymous 29/12 08:50:57 (UTC) 3,469,483,159,008,529.00 2.048021 206,797,311 440,003,712 212.77
21353057 Confirmed anonymous 27/12 01:27:29 (UTC) 3,501,284,620,937,503.00 1.792000 208,692,826 308,600,928 147.87
21342911 Confirmed anonymous 25/12 11:32:48 (UTC) 3,346,371,798,149,693.00 2.048084 199,459,302 221,668,128 111.13
21335978 Confirmed anonymous 24/12 09:19:48 (UTC) 3,431,854,814,626,698.00 2.048000 204,554,487 550,467,168 269.11
21319101 Confirmed anonymous 21/12 17:50:10 (UTC) 3,402,696,119,041,069.00 2.049389 202,816,493 237,841,824 117.27
21311437 Confirmed anonymous 20/12 13:13:15 (UTC) 3,364,390,997,073,727.00 2.048676 200,533,330 993,534,624 495.45
21280177 Confirmed anonymous 15/12 15:55:55 (UTC) 3,383,178,458,977,252.00 2.048399 201,653,150 96,355,776 47.78
21277209 Confirmed anonymous 15/12 04:41:11 (UTC) 3,410,529,793,410,173.00 2.048000 203,283,417 244,323,552 120.19
21269560 Confirmed anonymous 14/12 00:07:07 (UTC) 3,354,375,822,634,017.00 2.048567 199,936,379 205,941,024 103.00
Totals 4,121,943,218 7,059,959,616 171.28
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.