Block Shares

Block Shares
21122060 21130707 21133838 21137501 21150006 21156157 21170275 21190717 21192076 21203375 21208433 21209278 21211649 21221674 21223694 21225553 21243608 21253620 21263161 21269560
Expected 155672568 151378102 159066767 162851322 160621074 162823178 169374900 173183346 173976148 176925163 177048539 175891661 179517049 180916948 181802135 188689799 198297711 200936563 206023734 199936379
Actual 62302464 260880576 93333504 108050784 376261632 183909312 420172032 648998112 45963456 370130592 177249408 28196256 79425792 315615744 63032832 57339648 560055168 312756864 292918560 205941024
Average 165649526 165321773 165020554 173006938 204796598 211744752 229414464 257040019 253252915 257000246 268494941 245226509 243835738 264592234 233269354 220612387 234600701 200976576 225672086 209253130

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,237,643 1179169 1176927 2242 168,574,999,434,735.7500 11825589439853 11877089019761 100.44% 4571933.908091 6.13%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 4,064,467,094,545,157.0000 242261117 210427200 86.86% 2.048063 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 6 6 0 3,893,793,616,309,455.5000 1392529112 1069876416 76.83% 12.289851230958 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 20 20 0 3,744,285,652,506,010.5000 4463536325 5275002432 118.18% 41.031856617358 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 550 550 0 2,391,279,159,433,220.0000 78392239671 84060474144 107.23% 1233.1258047242 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
21269560 Confirmed anonymous 14/12 00:07:07 (UTC) 3,354,375,822,634,017.00 2.048567 199,936,379 205,941,024 103.00
21263161 Confirmed anonymous 12/12 23:54:39 (UTC) 3,456,504,691,368,850.00 2.048000 206,023,734 292,918,560 142.18
21253620 Confirmed anonymous 11/12 12:13:21 (UTC) 3,371,156,123,910,697.00 2.048321 200,936,563 312,756,864 155.65
21243608 Confirmed anonymous 09/12 22:40:15 (UTC) 3,326,883,538,035,889.00 2.048147 198,297,711 560,055,168 282.43
21225553 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 02:42:13 (UTC) 3,165,689,513,672,380.00 2.048000 188,689,799 57,339,648 30.39
21223694 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 19:56:12 (UTC) 3,050,133,687,966,075.00 2.048445 181,802,135 63,032,832 34.67
21221674 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 12:23:42 (UTC) 3,035,282,716,551,959.00 2.048000 180,916,948 315,615,744 174.45
21211649 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 22:54:29 (UTC) 3,011,796,313,265,181.00 2.048273 179,517,049 79,425,792 44.24
21209278 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 14:11:58 (UTC) 2,950,972,392,523,723.00 2.048000 175,891,661 28,196,256 16.03
21208433 Confirmed anonymous 04/12 10:59:11 (UTC) 2,970,381,576,876,745.00 2.048210 177,048,539 177,249,408 100.11
21203375 Confirmed anonymous 03/12 15:55:38 (UTC) 2,968,311,669,344,905.00 2.048231 176,925,163 370,130,592 209.20
21192076 Confirmed anonymous 01/12 21:39:11 (UTC) 2,918,835,419,129,933.00 2.048420 173,976,148 45,963,456 26.42
21190717 Confirmed anonymous 01/12 16:33:25 (UTC) 2,905,534,410,390,965.00 2.048063 173,183,346 648,998,112 374.75
21170275 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 12:25:38 (UTC) 2,841,639,281,666,136.00 2.048021 169,374,900 420,172,032 248.07
21156157 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 08:00:57 (UTC) 2,731,719,628,930,470.00 2.048042 162,823,178 183,909,312 112.95
21150006 Confirmed anonymous 25/11 09:07:43 (UTC) 2,694,774,459,634,558.00 2.048279 160,621,074 376,261,632 234.25
21137501 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 10:25:18 (UTC) 2,732,191,800,628,346.00 1.792000 162,851,322 108,050,784 66.35
21133838 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 20:55:58 (UTC) 2,668,697,502,783,713.00 2.048105 159,066,767 93,333,504 58.68
21130707 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 09:26:34 (UTC) 2,539,703,118,755,207.00 2.048000 151,378,102 260,880,576 172.34
21122060 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 01:09:57 (UTC) 2,611,752,297,868,053.00 2.048000 155,672,568 62,302,464 40.02
Totals 3,534,933,086 4,662,533,760 131.90
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.