Block Shares

Block Shares
21023501 21024255 21025019 21026450 21031775 21036459 21041585 21042802 21043599 21043732 21045471 21046509 21047955 21058152 21063027 21063350 21063454 21072932 21076532 21077570
Expected 139135386 141235099 143080974 142959411 141586196 142750031 141937806 142871445 142775209 143469849 138581930 138410821 146357356 149603970 147297094 148368687 147786478 140135232 152582699 152918463
Actual 148564224 20011200 20700768 40474080 151520544 133850400 145086624 34714080 23177664 3518016 51589536 29909088 39756672 290703168 132323808 8316480 3007680 264158112 96345696 28186944
Average 119760442 102778339 54182621 50451053 62290742 71426323 81964320 84093984 81325411 72161760 62464291 63454080 65359670 90382579 88462906 75909514 61701619 84646022 91962826 94429718

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,105,623 1179152 1176910 2242 168,522,755,536,310.1875 11821753753319 11873635874129 100.44% 4571899.0208224 6.17%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 2 2 0 3,511,322,788,611,873.0000 418582295 359860416 85.97% 4.096042 0.03%
Last 7 Days 43,200 3 3 0 3,511,190,521,218,474.5000 627849791 1821856800 290.17% 6.144588 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 16 16 0 3,477,641,040,459,168.5000 3316536942 5519804640 166.43% 32.515199857119 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 600 600 0 2,319,891,750,219,363.0000 82965794214 90675201888 109.29% 1368.988057878 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
21077570 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 03:33:42 (UTC) 2,565,546,090,874,902.00 2.048798 152,918,463 28,186,944 18.43
21076532 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 23:43:01 (UTC) 2,559,912,901,211,680.00 2.048042 152,582,699 96,345,696 63.14
21072932 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 10:43:07 (UTC) 2,351,079,052,928,685.00 2.048294 140,135,232 264,158,112 188.50
21063454 Confirmed anonymous 11/11 23:18:03 (UTC) 2,479,445,665,027,042.00 2.048693 147,786,478 3,007,680 2.04
21063350 Confirmed anonymous 11/11 22:52:49 (UTC) 2,489,213,505,466,898.00 2.048000 148,368,687 8,316,480 5.61
21063027 Confirmed anonymous 11/11 21:42:51 (UTC) 2,471,235,170,112,989.00 2.048021 147,297,094 132,323,808 89.83
21058152 Confirmed anonymous 11/11 03:25:43 (UTC) 2,509,938,118,430,412.00 2.050540 149,603,970 290,703,168 194.32
21047955 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 13:37:42 (UTC) 2,455,468,977,678,707.00 2.048168 146,357,356 39,756,672 27.16
21046509 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 08:31:14 (UTC) 2,322,148,248,657,376.00 2.048000 138,410,821 29,909,088 21.61
21045471 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 04:38:15 (UTC) 2,325,018,977,541,843.00 2.048084 138,581,930 51,589,536 37.23
21043732 Confirmed anonymous 08/11 22:00:25 (UTC) 2,407,024,641,580,308.00 2.048000 143,469,849 3,518,016 2.45
21043599 Confirmed anonymous 08/11 21:32:41 (UTC) 2,395,370,525,353,354.00 2.048189 142,775,209 23,177,664 16.23
21042802 Confirmed anonymous 08/11 18:33:23 (UTC) 2,396,985,087,480,767.00 2.048000 142,871,445 34,714,080 24.30
21041585 Confirmed anonymous 08/11 14:03:40 (UTC) 2,381,321,227,833,808.00 2.048000 141,937,806 145,086,624 102.22
21036459 Confirmed anonymous 07/11 18:59:38 (UTC) 2,394,948,102,039,074.00 1.792000 142,750,031 133,850,400 93.77
21031775 Confirmed anonymous 07/11 01:33:15 (UTC) 2,375,422,198,207,975.00 2.048420 141,586,196 151,520,544 107.02
21026450 Confirmed anonymous 06/11 05:42:36 (UTC) 2,398,460,914,383,567.00 2.048420 142,959,411 40,474,080 28.31
21025019 Confirmed anonymous 06/11 00:20:52 (UTC) 2,400,500,404,189,785.00 2.048483 143,080,974 20,700,768 14.47
21024255 Confirmed anonymous 05/11 21:36:01 (UTC) 2,369,531,762,356,841.00 1.792000 141,235,099 20,011,200 14.17
21023501 Confirmed anonymous 05/11 18:52:18 (UTC) 2,334,304,425,275,892.00 2.048000 139,135,386 148,564,224 106.78
Totals 2,883,844,136 1,665,914,784 57.77
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.