Block Shares

Block Shares
20869512 20871848 20880332 20882632 20884763 20887376 20894772 20895744 20902230 20905543 20909801 20916386 20921669 20922033 20933477 20937896 20939991 20943920 20947069 20951749
Expected 150139271 151448780 141176445 138638973 143244671 147263477 142053792 144684158 144451758 148551854 151844293 143243033 150219051 146151242 140290083 137563802 138433565 138018824 138991778 138625542
Actual 64203360 64028448 236551872 62946912 54346176 68004192 197997888 25330080 174303648 90088704 115248576 182875200 134705376 10373472 308578848 120163200 57456288 108075168 86693856 127027776
Average 166362106 171642413 189018662 182972093 188291136 192703152 180847584 131709293 141738038 103780128 108884650 120769325 110584675 105327331 130750598 135966499 121912339 130186848 121425869 125119776

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,892,226 1179133 1176891 2242 168,469,565,883,622.2812 11817831746479 11866781855537 100.41% 4571860.3605474 6.24%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 3,354,375,822,634,017.0000 199936379 205941024 103.00% 2.048567 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 4 4 0 3,377,230,043,987,363.0000 805194388 1371671616 170.35% 8.1930350865 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 24 24 0 2,907,506,424,461,617.0000 4159221303 5695243008 136.93% 48.963881029694 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 815 815 0 2,191,720,325,246,471.0000 106468919818 106209777312 99.76% 1925.8331747813 0.04%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20951749 Confirmed anonymous 25/10 16:03:55 (UTC) 2,325,750,661,571,437.00 2.048231 138,625,542 127,027,776 91.63
20947069 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 22:32:35 (UTC) 2,331,895,075,618,976.00 2.112231 138,991,778 86,693,856 62.37
20943920 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 10:48:52 (UTC) 2,315,571,617,150,297.00 2.048000 138,018,824 108,075,168 78.30
20939991 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 20:05:52 (UTC) 2,322,529,824,204,749.00 2.048259 138,433,565 57,456,288 41.50
20937896 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 12:23:40 (UTC) 2,307,937,622,114,796.00 2.048000 137,563,802 120,163,200 87.35
20933477 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 19:51:31 (UTC) 2,353,677,018,725,935.00 2.048105 140,290,083 308,578,848 219.96
20922033 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 01:01:45 (UTC) 2,452,010,953,074,674.00 2.048851 146,151,242 10,373,472 7.10
20921669 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 23:32:32 (UTC) 2,520,257,460,011,594.00 2.048484 150,219,051 134,705,376 89.67
20916386 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 04:09:46 (UTC) 2,403,219,312,605,178.00 2.048378 143,243,033 182,875,200 127.67
20909801 Confirmed anonymous 19/10 03:23:34 (UTC) 2,547,524,502,557,907.00 2.048046 151,844,293 115,248,576 75.90
20905543 Confirmed anonymous 18/10 11:38:02 (UTC) 2,492,286,544,010,458.00 2.049711 148,551,854 90,088,704 60.64
20902230 Confirmed anonymous 17/10 23:23:01 (UTC) 2,423,498,344,798,737.00 1.792000 144,451,758 174,303,648 120.67
20895744 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 23:18:43 (UTC) 2,427,397,371,804,350.00 2.048358 144,684,158 25,330,080 17.51
20894772 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 19:48:11 (UTC) 2,383,267,150,531,236.00 2.048597 142,053,792 197,997,888 139.38
20887376 Confirmed anonymous 15/10 16:15:52 (UTC) 2,470,671,170,081,961.00 2.048021 147,263,477 68,004,192 46.18
20884763 Confirmed anonymous 15/10 06:41:30 (UTC) 2,403,246,792,941,915.00 2.048000 143,244,671 54,346,176 37.94
20882632 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 22:58:05 (UTC) 2,325,975,992,051,683.00 2.048068 138,638,973 62,946,912 45.40
20880332 Confirmed anonymous 14/10 14:23:11 (UTC) 2,368,547,710,598,756.00 2.048355 141,176,445 236,551,872 167.56
20871848 Confirmed anonymous 13/10 06:24:16 (UTC) 2,540,888,897,224,452.00 2.048000 151,448,780 64,028,448 42.28
20869512 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 21:47:27 (UTC) 2,518,918,974,967,460.00 2.048000 150,139,271 64,203,360 42.76
Totals 2,875,034,392 2,288,999,040 79.62
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.