Block Shares

Block Shares
20405421 20415919 20419938 20425326 20426404 20435104 20438611 20453265 20456497 20458885 20461818 20462756 20463679 20464220 20465816 20467444 20476478 20485238 20486928 20490510
Expected 138666297 135835267 142912451 139891145 142330421 135053843 137192920 138980645 135581432 144173097 137789594 140755718 139899360 136172782 139964255 138475930 143096955 141133339 141901885 139103888
Actual 103654656 353711712 120914784 167817216 32458848 271546464 108158208 451087104 101501088 69597312 92360832 28540512 28892832 17742144 48318720 51746592 278316672 267203616 50709600 105897312
Average 195468365 211470662 183372778 117150422 98107123 121258493 131899603 171107770 172082659 178044739 176915357 144398237 135196042 120188534 121774522 99794534 116810381 98422032 93342883 96972883

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,891,864 1179133 1176891 2242 168,469,565,883,622.2812 11817831746479 11866781855537 100.41% 4571860.3605474 6.24%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 3,354,375,822,634,017.0000 199936379 205941024 103.00% 2.048567 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 4 4 0 3,377,230,043,987,363.0000 805194388 1371671616 170.35% 8.1930350865 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 24 24 0 2,907,506,424,461,617.0000 4159221303 5695243008 136.93% 48.963881029694 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 815 815 0 2,191,720,325,246,471.0000 106468919818 106209777312 99.76% 1925.8331747813 0.04%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20490510 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 04:15:48 (UTC) 2,333,775,974,614,570.00 2.048000 139,103,888 105,897,312 76.13
20486928 Confirmed anonymous 14/08 14:53:45 (UTC) 2,380,718,582,860,047.00 2.048000 141,901,885 50,709,600 35.74
20485238 Confirmed anonymous 14/08 08:36:17 (UTC) 2,367,824,517,602,516.00 2.048168 141,133,339 267,203,616 189.33
20476478 Confirmed anonymous 12/08 23:56:33 (UTC) 2,400,768,525,846,837.00 2.048084 143,096,955 278,316,672 194.50
20467444 Confirmed anonymous 11/08 14:24:32 (UTC) 2,323,240,590,581,020.00 2.048231 138,475,930 51,746,592 37.37
20465816 Confirmed anonymous 11/08 08:17:28 (UTC) 2,348,210,541,776,943.00 2.048231 139,964,255 48,318,720 34.52
20464220 Confirmed anonymous 11/08 02:28:30 (UTC) 2,284,600,180,025,078.00 2.112000 136,172,782 17,742,144 13.03
20463679 Confirmed anonymous 11/08 00:20:17 (UTC) 2,347,121,783,539,143.00 2.048063 139,899,360 28,892,832 20.65
20462756 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 20:52:12 (UTC) 2,361,489,084,446,238.00 2.048000 140,755,718 28,540,512 20.28
20461818 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 17:30:30 (UTC) 2,311,725,774,299,434.00 2.112084 137,789,594 92,360,832 67.03
20458885 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 06:20:44 (UTC) 2,418,823,183,706,981.00 2.048252 144,173,097 69,597,312 48.27
20456497 Confirmed anonymous 09/08 21:44:35 (UTC) 2,274,678,965,773,780.00 2.048063 135,581,432 101,501,088 74.86
20453265 Confirmed anonymous 09/08 09:37:51 (UTC) 2,331,708,298,249,049.00 2.048000 138,980,645 451,087,104 324.57
20438611 Confirmed anonymous 07/08 03:12:00 (UTC) 2,301,715,250,811,246.00 2.053040 137,192,920 108,158,208 78.84
20435104 Confirmed anonymous 06/08 14:15:22 (UTC) 2,265,827,496,773,081.00 2.048000 135,053,843 271,546,464 201.07
20426404 Confirmed anonymous 05/08 05:35:53 (UTC) 2,387,908,224,819,523.00 2.048000 142,330,421 32,458,848 22.81
20425326 Confirmed anonymous 05/08 01:39:24 (UTC) 2,346,983,950,583,593.00 2.048000 139,891,145 167,817,216 119.96
20419938 Confirmed anonymous 04/08 05:29:14 (UTC) 2,397,673,066,612,840.00 2.048861 142,912,451 120,914,784 84.61
20415919 Confirmed anonymous 03/08 14:53:23 (UTC) 2,278,937,616,028,253.00 2.048189 135,835,267 353,711,712 260.40
20405421 Confirmed anonymous 01/08 23:39:20 (UTC) 2,326,434,424,649,467.00 2.112588 138,666,297 103,654,656 74.75
Totals 2,788,911,224 2,750,176,224 98.61
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.