Block Shares

Block Shares
20253412 20265584 20266027 20281799 20282135 20284208 20285542 20289317 20290606 20291304 20293419 20294913 20296097 20296953 20297973 20304201 20317149 20317930 20321292 20325256
Expected 125943792 128920279 129221640 131818876 133492990 133297013 133450448 140137790 134461819 133264916 133064127 134388603 139705462 138046044 136735773 133104973 140567695 138900288 141323704 141380544
Actual 59670144 474099936 17045472 620204928 12474048 80097216 50847648 145872864 53245248 27992928 84302688 58632768 44614272 33222912 39668160 230741856 465831744 28030656 117706848 138292512
Average 88103424 131615539 122744582 165923654 160475222 153327523 149054534 158656138 162742205 154155043 156618298 115071581 117828461 59130259 61849670 76914134 118412544 106628323 113074483 124104442

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,565,401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20325256 Confirmed anonymous 20/07 13:12:20 (UTC) 2,371,971,926,784,501.00 2.048042 141,380,544 138,292,512 97.82
20321292 Confirmed anonymous 19/07 22:29:29 (UTC) 2,371,018,304,758,886.00 2.048042 141,323,704 117,706,848 83.29
20317930 Confirmed anonymous 19/07 10:09:40 (UTC) 2,330,360,139,783,192.00 2.048106 138,900,288 28,030,656 20.18
20317149 Confirmed anonymous 19/07 07:13:50 (UTC) 2,358,334,584,497,615.00 2.048055 140,567,695 465,831,744 331.39
20304201 Confirmed anonymous 17/07 07:27:58 (UTC) 2,233,130,889,542,929.00 2.048882 133,104,973 230,741,856 173.35
20297973 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 08:10:31 (UTC) 2,294,045,605,759,071.00 2.048043 136,735,773 39,668,160 29.01
20296953 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 04:17:37 (UTC) 2,316,028,303,704,491.00 1.536000 138,046,044 33,222,912 24.07
20296097 Confirmed anonymous 16/07 01:04:39 (UTC) 2,343,868,718,436,579.00 2.048000 139,705,462 44,614,272 31.93
20294913 Confirmed anonymous 15/07 20:47:44 (UTC) 2,254,666,626,028,728.00 2.048000 134,388,603 58,632,768 43.63
20293419 Confirmed anonymous 15/07 15:14:03 (UTC) 2,232,445,602,121,031.00 2.048168 133,064,127 84,302,688 63.35
20291304 Confirmed anonymous 15/07 07:18:32 (UTC) 2,235,814,284,289,987.00 2.048043 133,264,916 27,992,928 21.01
20290606 Confirmed anonymous 15/07 04:39:07 (UTC) 2,255,894,982,205,547.00 2.048021 134,461,819 53,245,248 39.60
20289317 Confirmed anonymous 14/07 23:37:29 (UTC) 2,351,121,979,436,104.00 2.048042 140,137,790 145,872,864 104.09
20285542 Confirmed anonymous 14/07 09:54:19 (UTC) 2,238,926,991,788,178.00 2.112000 133,450,448 50,847,648 38.10
20284208 Confirmed anonymous 14/07 05:01:15 (UTC) 2,236,352,783,583,065.00 2.048142 133,297,013 80,097,216 60.09
20282135 Confirmed anonymous 13/07 21:17:45 (UTC) 2,239,640,733,273,937.00 2.048000 133,492,990 12,474,048 9.34
20281799 Confirmed anonymous 13/07 20:05:17 (UTC) 2,211,553,752,586,069.00 2.048063 131,818,876 620,204,928 470.50
20266027 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 09:21:13 (UTC) 2,167,979,373,408,596.00 1.536000 129,221,640 17,045,472 13.19
20265584 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 07:42:53 (UTC) 2,162,923,359,222,296.00 2.048042 128,920,279 474,099,936 367.75
20253412 Confirmed anonymous 09/07 10:41:58 (UTC) 2,112,986,206,182,654.00 2.048000 125,943,792 59,670,144 47.38
Totals 2,701,226,776 2,782,594,848 103.01
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.