Block Shares

Block Shares
20147407 20150927 20155804 20159711 20160274 20160314 20164836 20165337 20166100 20169555 20172164 20176330 20177128 20182853 20187761 20189699 20192501 20195038 20197613 20200483
Expected 137894142 139193983 138144609 135538901 129744566 129933971 134041457 135607388 133545991 135203038 136980856 134132152 136886189 132034147 135133797 130210246 133933429 134181206 135541454 135910317
Actual 417093600 135531168 190133088 156096000 25212480 1455648 185500416 20622720 32458560 139966656 105831072 172703328 33246624 239089728 197270976 80214816 112196160 102770592 104968416 115051584
Average 79629859 87333475 102318845 113381760 113603078 109433971 120735130 117225917 117961142 130407034 99280781 102997997 87309350 95608723 112814573 120690490 113360064 121574851 128825837 126334330

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,565,401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
20200483 Confirmed anonymous 01/07 05:26:39 (UTC) 2,280,196,739,632,357.00 2.048063 135,910,317 115,051,584 84.65
20197613 Confirmed anonymous 30/06 18:45:08 (UTC) 2,274,008,253,160,818.00 2.048021 135,541,454 104,968,416 77.44
20195038 Confirmed anonymous 30/06 09:13:43 (UTC) 2,251,187,073,838,491.00 2.048000 134,181,206 102,770,592 76.59
20192501 Confirmed anonymous 29/06 23:51:44 (UTC) 2,247,030,065,010,068.00 2.048000 133,933,429 112,196,160 83.77
20189699 Confirmed anonymous 29/06 13:35:59 (UTC) 2,184,565,430,626,397.00 2.048700 130,210,246 80,214,816 61.60
20187761 Confirmed anonymous 29/06 06:16:21 (UTC) 2,267,168,909,217,553.00 2.048000 135,133,797 197,270,976 145.98
20182853 Confirmed anonymous 28/06 12:08:55 (UTC) 2,215,165,411,415,228.00 2.048000 132,034,147 239,089,728 181.08
20177128 Confirmed anonymous 27/06 14:41:27 (UTC) 2,296,569,155,072,991.00 2.048168 136,886,189 33,246,624 24.29
20176330 Confirmed anonymous 27/06 11:49:28 (UTC) 2,250,364,088,336,275.00 2.048086 134,132,152 172,703,328 128.76
20172164 Confirmed anonymous 26/06 20:19:35 (UTC) 2,298,157,412,552,908.00 2.048026 136,980,856 105,831,072 77.26
20169555 Confirmed anonymous 26/06 10:41:36 (UTC) 2,268,330,580,088,925.00 2.048189 135,203,038 139,966,656 103.52
20166100 Confirmed anonymous 25/06 21:52:52 (UTC) 2,240,529,933,485,872.00 1.792000 133,545,991 32,458,560 24.31
20165337 Confirmed anonymous 25/06 18:58:44 (UTC) 2,275,114,438,284,954.00 2.048273 135,607,388 20,622,720 15.21
20164836 Confirmed anonymous 25/06 17:09:26 (UTC) 2,248,842,473,621,248.00 2.048000 134,041,457 185,500,416 138.39
20160314 Confirmed anonymous 25/06 00:30:21 (UTC) 2,179,930,290,738,372.00 2.048150 129,933,971 1,455,648 1.12
20160274 Confirmed anonymous 25/06 00:22:01 (UTC) 2,176,752,607,844,696.00 2.048000 129,744,566 25,212,480 19.43
20159711 Confirmed anonymous 24/06 22:02:50 (UTC) 2,273,965,415,999,425.00 2.048000 135,538,901 156,096,000 115.17
20155804 Confirmed anonymous 24/06 07:25:31 (UTC) 2,317,681,952,142,292.00 2.048291 138,144,609 190,133,088 137.63
20150927 Confirmed anonymous 23/06 13:13:07 (UTC) 2,335,287,517,304,708.00 2.112000 139,193,983 135,531,168 97.37
20147407 Confirmed anonymous 23/06 00:14:06 (UTC) 2,313,479,806,202,672.00 2.048441 137,894,142 417,093,600 302.47
Totals 2,693,791,839 2,567,413,632 95.31
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.