Block Shares

Block Shares
18707881 18708933 18709440 18709852 18710543 18713213 18713742 18713913 18713980 18714379 18715196 18715231 18718049 18718157 18718522 18720144 18720240 18720509 18721182 18721571
Expected 123182552 119361286 121049632 122525718 122986107 124239611 124833139 123553445 123611916 121684776 122557550 123216958 125561377 125804603 126283300 120849269 121083020 119835728 121884652 124338411
Actual 56849088 145897920 64289760 52884576 91950624 355079424 69663936 25164096 8609472 55377888 108116832 3577248 380113440 14353344 48778176 229250976 13134528 39091584 87564672 49264896
Average 180344093 131162909 113216486 98034250 102798624 132661603 104751437 98991658 92068282 92576678 97703453 83471386 115053754 111200630 106883386 94300541 88647600 90040349 97935869 97324570

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,565,401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
18721571 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 07:01:12 (UTC) 2,086,052,379,404,266.00 2.568603 124,338,411 49,264,896 39.62
18721182 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 05:41:18 (UTC) 2,044,885,134,960,724.00 2.565713 121,884,652 87,564,672 71.84
18720509 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 03:18:11 (UTC) 2,010,509,900,203,128.00 2.560403 119,835,728 39,091,584 32.62
18720240 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 02:14:43 (UTC) 2,031,435,985,603,151.00 2.240000 121,083,020 13,134,528 10.85
18720144 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 01:52:54 (UTC) 2,027,514,283,982,159.00 2.640222 120,849,269 229,250,976 189.70
18718522 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 19:36:33 (UTC) 2,118,682,195,469,717.00 1.920000 126,283,300 48,778,176 38.63
18718157 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 18:16:41 (UTC) 2,110,651,000,937,939.00 2.560359 125,804,603 14,353,344 11.41
18718049 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 17:53:15 (UTC) 2,106,570,339,843,347.00 2.560000 125,561,377 380,113,440 302.73
18715231 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 07:30:08 (UTC) 2,067,237,515,348,372.00 2.561660 123,216,958 3,577,248 2.90
18715196 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 07:24:11 (UTC) 2,056,174,494,044,784.00 2.561179 122,557,550 108,116,832 88.22
18714379 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 04:24:53 (UTC) 2,041,531,773,600,261.00 2.561368 121,684,776 55,377,888 45.51
18713980 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 02:52:05 (UTC) 2,073,863,816,746,859.00 2.561890 123,611,916 8,609,472 6.96
18713913 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 02:37:29 (UTC) 2,072,882,837,192,165.00 2.560042 123,553,445 25,164,096 20.37
18713742 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 01:56:00 (UTC) 2,094,352,543,198,826.00 2.563423 124,833,139 69,663,936 55.81
18713213 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 23:59:41 (UTC) 2,084,394,792,989,028.00 2.560353 124,239,611 355,079,424 285.80
18710543 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 14:07:43 (UTC) 2,063,364,474,911,965.00 2.560000 122,986,107 91,950,624 74.77
18709852 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 11:35:06 (UTC) 2,055,640,430,509,929.00 2.561476 122,525,718 52,884,576 43.16
18709440 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 10:07:30 (UTC) 2,030,875,823,854,222.00 2.560106 121,049,632 64,289,760 53.11
18708933 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 08:20:15 (UTC) 2,002,550,069,929,587.00 2.560126 119,361,286 145,897,920 122.23
18707881 Confirmed anonymous 13/11 04:15:10 (UTC) 2,066,660,280,159,452.00 2.560000 123,182,552 56,849,088 46.15
Totals 2,458,443,050 1,899,012,480 77.24
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.