Block Shares

Block Shares
17638242 17639201 17639405 17639487 17640289 17640845 17642101 17642191 17643145 17643824 17644469 17644577 17645183 17645274 17645486 17645946 17645981 17646894 17647042 17647604
Expected 99869837 99651947 98774374 98099167 92490993 93158220 98031265 97074715 97910804 99875873 100790060 101429564 100036460 100279277 100716421 102142107 102191421 102069434 101122619 102049869
Actual 12202656 304247040 68814912 29741952 287417664 175651296 383425344 33369504 302990496 206446752 207451776 31443552 207404832 29266464 69113568 148361088 11320896 304193856 54787392 182665152
Average 50868067 76907866 78375466 73486157 96703728 95362675 131853178 131751178 160531142 180430762 199955674 172675325 186534317 186486768 164656358 161927338 124716893 151799328 126979018 124600858

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,468,262 1179050 1176808 2242 168,301,573,808,703.5938 11805214790742 11853794311601 100.41% 4571691.1832624 6.38%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 14 14 0 2,347,004,682,998,453.0000 1958493326 1073594880 54.82% 28.5487268171 0.03%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 36 36 0 2,436,796,885,430,757.0000 5228798859 4790980704 91.63% 72.6533391361 0.02%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 1164 1164 0 2,075,781,684,020,866.7500 144017331612 147662426688 102.53% 2851.044996704 0.06%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
17647604 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 16:20:56 (UTC) 1,712,112,694,199,649.00 2.240000 102,049,869 182,665,152 179.00
17647042 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 14:20:13 (UTC) 1,696,556,023,509,211.00 2.561267 101,122,619 54,787,392 54.18
17646894 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 13:44:00 (UTC) 1,712,440,933,656,704.00 2.560392 102,069,434 304,193,856 298.03
17645981 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 10:23:20 (UTC) 1,714,487,544,200,561.00 2.560042 102,191,421 11,320,896 11.08
17645946 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 10:15:53 (UTC) 1,713,660,200,090,501.00 2.560000 102,142,107 148,361,088 145.25
17645486 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 08:36:52 (UTC) 1,689,741,154,219,528.00 2.240000 100,716,421 69,113,568 68.62
17645274 Confirmed eaglecoin 02/06 07:50:19 (UTC) 1,682,407,091,765,079.00 2.560280 100,279,277 29,266,464 29.18
17645183 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 07:30:40 (UTC) 1,678,333,290,325,470.00 2.560021 100,036,460 207,404,832 207.33
17644577 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 05:10:44 (UTC) 1,701,705,710,950,175.00 2.560025 101,429,564 31,443,552 31.00
17644469 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 04:49:28 (UTC) 1,690,976,612,074,429.00 2.560000 100,790,060 207,451,776 205.83
17643824 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 02:29:15 (UTC) 1,675,639,096,027,341.00 2.561470 99,875,873 206,446,752 206.70
17643145 Confirmed anonymous 02/06 00:06:51 (UTC) 1,642,670,708,686,281.00 2.560084 97,910,804 302,990,496 309.46
17642191 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 20:39:51 (UTC) 1,628,643,460,588,046.00 2.561113 97,074,715 33,369,504 34.38
17642101 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 20:17:09 (UTC) 1,644,691,699,428,576.00 2.560000 98,031,265 383,425,344 391.13
17640845 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 15:55:19 (UTC) 1,562,935,575,983,834.00 2.560042 93,158,220 175,651,296 188.55
17640289 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 13:55:04 (UTC) 1,551,741,363,826,633.00 2.560063 92,490,993 287,417,664 310.75
17639487 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 10:39:12 (UTC) 1,645,830,914,393,121.00 2.640525 98,099,167 29,741,952 30.32
17639405 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 10:19:04 (UTC) 1,657,159,014,520,709.00 2.560000 98,774,374 68,814,912 69.67
17639201 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 09:32:22 (UTC) 1,671,882,244,019,271.00 2.560063 99,651,947 304,247,040 305.31
17638242 Confirmed anonymous 01/06 06:00:06 (UTC) 1,675,537,834,160,740.00 2.560956 99,869,837 12,202,656 12.22
Totals 1,987,764,427 3,050,316,192 153.45
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.