Block Shares

Block Shares
16818091 16818107 16818313 16818423 16818486 16818543 16818632 16819162 16819286 16819377 16819606 16819699 16819708 16819735 16819863 16819874 16820080 16820108 16820129 16820312
Expected 96337139 96383788 96237017 96375690 95624387 95576533 95808410 98261077 98546975 99367366 97391734 98058117 98010120 97961469 97101216 97481050 97953311 98096493 98047963 98571640
Actual 222752640 14162880 182691744 96429312 62807520 48289152 75217344 442690272 107360544 70503456 226267776 76054368 8831040 26687328 124991424 6020736 179408352 23402688 20615136 156741504
Average 111805920 101729693 109545264 98847446 105104870 107694461 114784253 139544851 137318419 132290486 132642000 138831149 121445078 114470880 120689270 116462429 126881530 84952771 76278230 84902035

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,237,529 1179169 1176927 2242 168,574,999,434,735.7500 11825589439853 11877089019761 100.44% 4571933.908091 6.13%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 4,064,467,094,545,157.0000 242261117 210427200 86.86% 2.048063 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 6 6 0 3,893,793,616,309,455.5000 1392529112 1069876416 76.83% 12.289851230958 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 20 20 0 3,744,285,652,506,010.5000 4463536325 5275002432 118.18% 41.031856617358 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 550 550 0 2,391,279,159,433,220.0000 78392239671 84060474144 107.23% 1233.1258047242 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16820312 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 00:26:31 (UTC) 1,653,757,694,752,289.00 2.561261 98,571,640 156,741,504 159.01
16820129 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 23:48:05 (UTC) 1,644,971,849,894,150.00 2.560441 98,047,963 20,615,136 21.03
16820108 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 23:43:06 (UTC) 1,645,786,055,556,275.00 2.560000 98,096,493 23,402,688 23.86
16820080 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 23:37:24 (UTC) 1,643,383,859,838,976.00 2.560409 97,953,311 179,408,352 183.16
16819874 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 22:53:26 (UTC) 1,635,460,636,310,943.00 2.560357 97,481,050 6,020,736 6.18
16819863 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 22:51:54 (UTC) 1,629,088,074,300,042.00 2.560000 97,101,216 124,991,424 128.72
16819735 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 22:21:14 (UTC) 1,643,520,722,245,361.00 2.560189 97,961,469 26,687,328 27.24
16819708 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 22:14:40 (UTC) 1,644,336,959,687,822.00 2.560042 98,010,120 8,831,040 9.01
16819699 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 22:12:29 (UTC) 1,645,142,212,753,969.00 2.560547 98,058,117 76,054,368 77.56
16819606 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 21:53:43 (UTC) 1,633,962,153,468,807.00 2.560021 97,391,734 226,267,776 232.33
16819377 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 20:58:07 (UTC) 1,667,107,758,070,466.00 2.560000 99,367,366 70,503,456 70.95
16819286 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 20:40:43 (UTC) 1,653,343,884,153,445.00 2.560063 98,546,975 107,360,544 108.94
16819162 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 20:14:21 (UTC) 1,648,547,314,036,080.00 2.560252 98,261,077 442,690,272 450.52
16818632 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 18:24:20 (UTC) 1,607,398,393,993,504.00 2.560180 95,808,410 75,217,344 78.51
16818543 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 18:05:35 (UTC) 1,603,508,131,073,834.00 2.560021 95,576,533 48,289,152 50.52
16818486 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 17:53:38 (UTC) 1,604,311,001,369,101.00 2.560179 95,624,387 62,807,520 65.68
16818423 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 17:37:55 (UTC) 1,616,915,760,743,251.00 2.560162 96,375,690 96,429,312 100.06
16818313 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 17:13:49 (UTC) 1,614,589,223,728,038.00 2.560096 96,237,017 182,691,744 189.84
16818107 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 16:28:10 (UTC) 1,617,051,628,747,223.00 2.560105 96,383,788 14,162,880 14.69
16818091 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 16:24:38 (UTC) 1,616,268,996,556,723.00 2.560313 96,337,139 222,752,640 231.22
Totals 1,947,191,495 2,171,925,216 111.54
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.