Block Shares

Block Shares
16813626 16813687 16813709 16813710 16813814 16813952 16814000 16814121 16814473 16814893 16814993 16814994 16815007 16815124 16815217 16815264 16815297 16815399 16815439 16815683
Expected 102313482 102162025 101862674 101912411 102009915 100817131 101111986 101802512 103196021 102081952 102229242 102179325 102528790 102426293 101328732 100932653 101376274 101126771 101027244 100627684
Actual 58630368 55476480 23916864 592992 94086720 137760768 40602240 101477568 305986944 395901120 85447488 1589856 9165120 104152416 96483840 46220064 22529568 94906752 35181504 220876512
Average 79359648 78580397 61727712 54016387 54325613 61445578 64160074 55788989 83718979 121443206 124124918 118736256 117261082 127617024 127856736 118702666 116895398 116238317 89157773 71655312

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 19,237,844 1179169 1176927 2242 168,574,999,434,735.7500 11825589439853 11877089019761 100.44% 4571933.908091 6.13%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 1 1 0 4,064,467,094,545,157.0000 242261117 210427200 86.86% 2.048063 0.02%
Last 7 Days 43,200 6 6 0 3,893,793,616,309,455.5000 1392529112 1069876416 76.83% 12.289851230958 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 20 20 0 3,744,285,652,506,010.5000 4463536325 5275002432 118.18% 41.031856617358 0.01%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 549 549 0 2,391,598,503,073,158.5000 78260158192 83976320352 107.30% 1230.5628017242 0.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16815683 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 07:21:49 (UTC) 1,688,252,395,055,752.00 2.560277 100,627,684 220,876,512 219.50
16815439 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 06:25:53 (UTC) 1,694,955,889,522,171.00 2.564556 101,027,244 35,181,504 34.82
16815399 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 06:17:00 (UTC) 1,696,625,686,823,421.00 2.560595 101,126,771 94,906,752 93.85
16815297 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 05:53:15 (UTC) 1,700,811,648,861,316.00 2.560022 101,376,274 22,529,568 22.22
16815264 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 05:47:37 (UTC) 1,693,368,928,144,460.00 2.560105 100,932,653 46,220,064 45.79
16815217 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 05:36:04 (UTC) 1,700,014,026,026,232.00 2.564242 101,328,732 96,483,840 95.22
16815124 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 05:11:53 (UTC) 1,718,428,046,707,142.00 2.240000 102,426,293 104,152,416 101.69
16815007 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 04:45:49 (UTC) 1,720,147,647,917,409.00 2.560189 102,528,790 9,165,120 8.94
16814994 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 04:43:34 (UTC) 1,714,284,611,235,968.00 2.640000 102,179,325 1,589,856 1.56
16814993 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 04:43:10 (UTC) 1,715,122,073,185,765.00 2.560861 102,229,242 85,447,488 83.58
16814893 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 04:21:54 (UTC) 1,712,650,965,912,182.00 2.560899 102,081,952 395,901,120 387.83
16814473 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 02:44:31 (UTC) 1,731,341,940,796,653.00 2.560126 103,196,021 305,986,944 296.51
16814121 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 01:29:32 (UTC) 1,707,962,727,845,881.00 2.240000 101,802,512 101,477,568 99.68
16814000 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 01:04:50 (UTC) 1,696,377,632,883,592.00 2.560021 101,111,986 40,602,240 40.16
16813952 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 00:54:58 (UTC) 1,691,430,783,995,979.00 2.560421 100,817,131 137,760,768 136.64
16813814 Confirmed anonymous 26/01 00:21:17 (UTC) 1,711,442,385,911,680.00 2.560042 102,009,915 94,086,720 92.23
16813710 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 23:58:22 (UTC) 1,709,806,537,749,545.00 2.560840 101,912,411 592,992 0.58
16813709 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 23:58:16 (UTC) 1,708,972,078,726,730.00 2.560357 101,862,674 23,916,864 23.48
16813687 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 23:52:27 (UTC) 1,713,994,353,480,050.00 2.560247 102,162,025 55,476,480 54.30
16813626 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 23:38:51 (UTC) 1,716,535,392,347,257.00 2.560000 102,313,482 58,630,368 57.30
Totals 2,035,053,117 1,930,985,184 94.89
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.