Block Shares

Block Shares
16809559 16809703 16809734 16809814 16809824 16810001 16810018 16810211 16810296 16810605 16810676 16810747 16810766 16810828 16810858 16810883 16810899 16811207 16811220 16811430
Expected 100577824 102309197 102508114 101906854 101558370 101405247 101553620 101997001 101498100 101938296 101291330 101835126 101685614 101783508 101435325 102080970 101980917 101080494 100882831 102118484
Actual 272867040 105671136 24396672 78915072 13406784 155651232 12691008 161981376 79879392 269979168 70837920 59263584 18705696 54962208 30462144 13835712 15191616 287384928 14175552 172294560
Average 134377526 103110365 83463216 90990566 90803789 99389549 88983734 101202192 99080995 117543888 97340976 92700221 92131123 89735837 91441373 77259821 77509882 90050237 83479853 73711392

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 18,565,401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 43,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
16811430 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 15:34:05 (UTC) 1,713,263,862,111,409.00 2.560420 102,118,484 172,294,560 168.72
16811220 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 14:51:03 (UTC) 1,692,533,038,678,765.00 2.560210 100,882,831 14,175,552 14.05
16811207 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 14:47:33 (UTC) 1,695,849,280,808,100.00 2.560000 101,080,494 287,384,928 284.31
16810899 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 13:35:45 (UTC) 1,710,955,867,130,552.00 1.920000 101,980,917 15,191,616 14.90
16810883 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 13:31:56 (UTC) 1,712,634,483,402,268.00 2.560063 102,080,970 13,835,712 13.55
16810858 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 13:28:30 (UTC) 1,701,802,364,455,287.00 2.560300 101,435,325 30,462,144 30.03
16810828 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 13:20:54 (UTC) 1,707,643,892,906,091.00 2.560063 101,783,508 54,962,208 54.00
16810766 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 13:07:13 (UTC) 1,706,001,506,071,206.00 2.560040 101,685,614 18,705,696 18.40
16810747 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 13:02:31 (UTC) 1,708,509,904,509,123.00 2.560063 101,835,126 59,263,584 58.20
16810676 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 12:47:33 (UTC) 1,699,386,521,087,950.00 2.561114 101,291,330 70,837,920 69.93
16810605 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 12:29:38 (UTC) 1,710,240,810,975,344.00 2.562009 101,938,296 269,979,168 264.85
16810296 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 11:21:16 (UTC) 1,702,855,554,827,272.00 2.560022 101,498,100 79,879,392 78.70
16810211 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 11:00:51 (UTC) 1,711,225,720,736,975.00 2.240000 101,997,001 161,981,376 158.81
16810018 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 10:19:53 (UTC) 1,703,787,023,838,543.00 2.560126 101,553,620 12,691,008 12.50
16810001 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 10:16:39 (UTC) 1,701,297,735,558,351.00 2.560021 101,405,247 155,651,232 153.49
16809824 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 09:37:22 (UTC) 1,703,866,703,351,931.00 2.560148 101,558,370 13,406,784 13.20
16809814 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 09:34:00 (UTC) 1,709,713,294,394,699.00 2.561178 101,906,854 78,915,072 77.44
16809734 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 09:13:59 (UTC) 1,719,800,769,117,365.00 2.560000 102,508,114 24,396,672 23.80
16809703 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 09:07:55 (UTC) 1,716,463,503,497,432.00 2.560482 102,309,197 105,671,136 103.29
16809559 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 08:41:18 (UTC) 1,687,415,870,604,506.00 2.566049 100,577,824 272,867,040 271.30
Totals 2,033,427,222 1,912,552,800 94.06
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.