Block Shares

Block Shares
12916651 12916716 12916722 12916757 12916763 12916789 12916811 12916856 12916885 12916914 12916918 12917026 12917030 12917037 12917063 12917074 12917077 12917079 12917088 12917114
Expected 21813488 22027344 22038089 22027150 22005607 21865945 21769823 21695166 21758669 21694778 21715969 21399499 21430861 21409922 21451718 21420233 21430687 21451620 21483054 21524982
Actual 2842656 50795904 4651296 34270848 6658464 34315200 28180704 48681312 22103328 31116096 2314464 123110400 2458176 7735104 20920800 13970112 2700576 449568 6348672 21842208
Average 14649120 18957014 18294480 20186938 18816086 21904426 24190733 27986198 25775549 26361581 26308762 33540211 33320899 30667325 32093558 30059050 27511037 22687862 21112397 20185008

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 17,683,374 1178850 1176608 2242 167,936,180,893,171.4375 11777582998774 11826115208465 100.41% 4571286.39969 6.67%
Last Hour 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 6,171 3 3 0 2,355,939,902,189,976.0000 421274883 255663264 60.69% 6.147528089 0.05%
Last 7 Days 43,200 13 13 0 2,380,220,188,329,822.0000 1844338325 2064006336 111.91% 30.72637216506 0.03%
Last 4 Weeks 172,800 49 49 0 2,303,643,946,034,436.5000 6728086076 9088430784 135.08% 121.13491418406 0.03%
Last 12 Month 2,073,600 2255 2255 0 1,957,059,756,503,431.2500 263045415337 269182065888 102.33% 5727.3860411701 0.11%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
12917114 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:52:15 (UTC) 361,129,275,847,160.00 3.200066 21,524,982 21,842,208 101.47
12917088 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:47:06 (UTC) 360,425,836,826,637.00 3.200420 21,483,054 6,348,672 29.55
12917079 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:45:34 (UTC) 359,898,470,272,718.00 3.200291 21,451,620 449,568 2.10
12917077 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:45:28 (UTC) 359,547,264,174,800.00 3.200252 21,430,687 2,700,576 12.60
12917074 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:44:50 (UTC) 359,371,875,349,059.00 3.201983 21,420,233 13,970,112 65.22
12917063 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:41:35 (UTC) 359,900,102,278,750.00 3.200570 21,451,718 20,920,800 97.53
12917037 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:36:33 (UTC) 359,198,886,353,814.00 3.202252 21,409,922 7,735,104 36.13
12917030 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:34:45 (UTC) 359,550,180,856,745.00 3.200000 21,430,861 2,458,176 11.47
12917026 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:34:11 (UTC) 359,024,009,943,902.00 3.200168 21,399,499 123,110,400 575.30
12916918 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:05:01 (UTC) 364,333,510,140,559.00 3.200226 21,715,969 2,314,464 10.66
12916914 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 12:04:28 (UTC) 363,977,976,119,145.00 3.200000 21,694,778 31,116,096 143.43
12916885 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:57:10 (UTC) 365,049,891,103,716.00 3.200000 21,758,669 22,103,328 101.58
12916856 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:51:55 (UTC) 363,984,492,764,619.00 3.200420 21,695,166 48,681,312 224.39
12916811 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:40:19 (UTC) 365,237,029,986,936.00 3.201041 21,769,823 28,180,704 129.45
12916789 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:33:38 (UTC) 366,849,679,804,226.00 3.303686 21,865,945 34,315,200 156.93
12916763 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:25:33 (UTC) 369,192,827,677,446.00 3.201501 22,005,607 6,658,464 30.26
12916757 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:23:59 (UTC) 369,554,248,977,947.00 3.200821 22,027,150 34,270,848 155.58
12916722 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:15:50 (UTC) 369,737,782,950,579.00 3.200254 22,038,089 4,651,296 21.11
12916716 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:14:44 (UTC) 369,557,511,251,816.00 3.200021 22,027,344 50,795,904 230.60
12916651 Confirmed anonymous 11/06 11:02:46 (UTC) 365,969,606,714,645.00 3.200225 21,813,488 2,842,656 13.03
Totals 433,414,604 465,465,888 107.40
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 200 confirms.